All About Company Accounts, Signing Up, and Getting Your Team on Board

When you use GrabCAD Print, you can be either:

  • Logged in with a company
  • Logged in without a company
  • Not logged in (Offline Mode)

It is beneficial to be logged in with a company, and for some features, it is required. This article will describe those features and benefits, and a recommended process for getting your team members together.


  • A User Account is your email and password login credentials. It holds a few profile settings such as email preferences and your display name.
  • A Company Account is optional for using GrabCAD Print, but required for some features described below.
  • GrabCAD Control is the free web app for admins to manage their companies. Learn more here.

Creating a user account and logging in

If you are installing GrabCAD Print for the first time, begin at Click "Go to GrabCAD Print" to download the installer. You will need to be logged in, or if you have not yet registered, you can do so from the login prompt:


Use the Create Account button to sign up. You will be asked to enter a confirmation code that arrives to your email. If you see an error message that your email is already registered, use the Forgot Password button to reset it.

User accounts are fixed to email addresses. Meaning, once you register, your email address is not editable. If you have an old user account tied to an email account you can no longer access, you must sign up anew with your current email address.

Once you are logged into the website, you can download the GrabCAD Print installer. The installer is fully self-contained, so you can transfer the installer file to another computer if needed. When you install the app and launch for the first time, the app will check for the presence of an internet connection. If an internet connection is not available, a prompt will appear allowing you to use the app in Offline Mode. If a network connection is found, you will see a login prompt instead.

Selecting a company account

If you do not belong to a company, the login window will close after you enter your password successfully. But if you do belong to a company, you may see a company selection screen after logging in. Select a company account to proceed.


Once you are logged in, you can access this selection screen again by opening the user panel in the lower left corner and clicking Switch account. You can also access the password reset screen and your profile settings here.

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Creating or joining a company

If you do not belong to a company account and you would like to, first check with your colleagues. If you have peers who are using GrabCAD Print, they may belong to a company account already and can invite you.

If you are the first user in your company to be using GrabCAD Print, then follow these steps:

  1. Go to and log in in the upper right corner.
  2. In the upper left corner, select GrabCAD Control, then click Go to GrabCAD Control, or navigate straight to
  3. Since you do not have a company yet, you will see this screen. Click the option to request a company:

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  4. Fill out the form that appears on the next screen:

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Your request will be reviewed by a member of the GrabCAD support team. We will cross reference your email with our sales database, so please be sure that you've signed up with your professional email address. Nearly all applications are accepted, although if we determine that another company account already exists for your team, we may add you to that one instead of creating a new one. If you prefer to contact us directly with your company request rather than fill out this form, you can reach us at

Managing your company

If you are a company admin, you have access to GrabCAD Control where the company is managed. For the full explanation of GrabCAD Control and all its features, read here: Getting Started with GrabCAD Control.

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Use GrabCAD Control to:

  • Invite users, either by individual email address or by email domain.
  • Edit the list of admins
  • Distribute and manage software licenses
  • ... and more

Benefits of a company account in GrabCAD Print

GrabCAD Print Server

Getting your colleagues together into a company account enables your team to benefit from the features of GrabCAD Print Server:

All about company accounts_1

Software licenses

GrabCAD Control and company accounts are the only way to distribute software licenses such as GrabCAD Print Pro.

Other features

A few other features of GrabCAD Print are only enabled once you have a company selected:

  • Custom printer names
  • Preview images for jobs in Schedule View
  • Operating hours for Schedule View

If your company has multiple groups or sites

You may choose to create multiple company accounts to keep your users, printers, and licenses separated from one another, or you may want to have all users together in one company account.

Using one company

If none of your company's sites or groups have installed GrabCAD Print Server, then there may be no need for multiple separate company accounts. You can add someone from each site as a company admin, allowing them to invite their own group of users.

If your sites are using GrabCAD Print Server, having everyone together in one company may still work, especially if your company has Streamline Pro. Streamline Pro enables role-based access control, a.k.a. Printer Groups. Printers connected by one or more instances of GCP Server can be divided into printer groups, each with an associated user group. This will prevent users from seeing printers that are not relevant to them. Company admins can be added to these groups as well, so you can limit your own view of Printers in GrabCAD Print.

Using multiple companies

If you do not have a Streamline Pro license to enable Printer Groups, or if different parts of your organization must be kept separated for legal reasons, then you will need to manage multiple companies. Contact to set this up.