GrabCAD Streamline Pro Updates
九月 17, 2024
Simplified printer addition in GrabCAD Analyze
GrabCAD Analyze users can now easily add all their Stratasys printers to Analyze with a few clicks using the new "Discover" button in the printers page. Printers that aren't discoverable can still be added by IP using the "Manually Add" button, which has been improved and simplified.
Go to the Analyze Agent Settings page and ensure that the Agent is connected. Then, go to the Printers page and click Discover, to see all the printers in your network. Select and add the printers that you want to show in Analyze. (A GrabCAD Print desktop or GrabCAD PrintSserver installation is required on the computer that has the Analyze Server installed). Once the printers are added, they can be renamed, edited as needed.
九月 17, 2024
Performance, stability and installer improvements to GrabCAD Analyze
Users with many printers (up to 50) can now use GrabCAD Analyze to collect data and generate dashboards and reports. The data collection, storage and aggregation has been simplified and improved in the Analyze Agent and Server to scale and work with more printers. However, the computational requirements of the server needs to increased to account for the increased influx of data from the machines. (Current requirements are for 10 printers).
With the latest installer, a number of improvements have been made to improve the installation success in different user environments. The Analyze Server will also be configured to automatically restart in the event of a Windows update or restart, to prevent any unexpected downtime.
八月 27, 2024
Print orientation selection of order items to obtain more revelant estimates
GrabCAD Shop requesters and operators can now select the desired orientation for an FDM or PolyJet order item to ensure it is printed accordingly. This feature allows for greater specification and control over order items, as well as the estimation and print results, reducing the back-and-forth communication between requesters and operators.
Once an order is submitted and GrabCAD Shop completes an automatic estimation of the items, users can view the orientation used by GrabCAD Shop to generate the estimation (usually the CAD orientation or the recommended orientation from GrabCAD Print, depending on the Shop's preferences). If users wish to specify a different orientation to capture design intent or enhance printability, they can select one of the seven available options. This orientation is then saved and preserved in the order, and if the item is added to a job, the selected orientation will be used. The order item's thumbnail will also be updated to reflect the currently selected orientation.
六月 28, 2024
Improvements to .cmb and .print files in GrabCAD Shop
GrabCAD Shop requesters and operators can now work directly with .cmb and .print files. This feature is available for advanced users who use GrabCAD Shop to submit their print requests but want to specify all the build parameters using project files in GrabCAD Print. When these files are uploaded to GrabCAD Shop, the desired machine, material estimates, time estimates, tray preview, and other high-level build estimates are extracted and displayed, allowing operators to understand exactly what is being requested.
Create a new order and upload project files from GrabCAD Print. After submitting the order, you can see a preview and all other details related to the order. Note that these files cannot be added to Jobs, as they are not intended to be combined with other parts, which could affect the requester's design intent.
六月 28, 2024
Automatically estimate, preview and generate printable trays from your Shop
In addition to automatic estimations for FDM and PolyJet requests in GrabCAD Shop, operators can use the Jobs feature to group similar parts and requests and have an tray generated automatically with estimates and a preview. This allows operators to reduce their backlog by quickly consolidating requests, grouping parts that can be printed together, and downloading valid printable trays for queuing purposes.
Go to Jobs and click "New Job" to see all the order items in your Shop that need to be printed. Filter these items by technology, machine, and material, and select the parts that you want to print together. Once the job is created, GrabCAD Shop will pack these parts and try to generate a tray that can be printed and downloaded (a .print file is generated, which can be opened in GrabCAD Print), along with a tray preview and estimation details. If any parts don't fit, they will be highlighted and can be removed from the job, and can be added in other jobs.
六月 3, 2024
Introducing GrabCAD Streamline Pro - new software suite to grow and scale your operations
GrabCAD Streamline Pro is a new paid software suite from Stratasys designed for users with FDM and PolyJet printers. It includes GrabCAD Shop and simplifies order management by allowing administrators and printer operators to create virtual model shops for managing 3D printing requests. Streamline Pro introduces new automation capabilities that save operators time by managing their backlog more efficiently. Each FDM and PolyJet request will be automatically estimated—powered by GrabCAD Print—with default machine parameters and optimal orientation, providing realistic material, time, and cost estimates. This eliminates the need to generate these estimates manually. Operators can then review, compare, append, and override the estimates as needed.
Streamline Pro also features a new cybersecurity device, Shield, which protects the printer from network vulnerabilities, provides IPv6 support, and acts as a firewall for the printer. Additionally, it includes role-based access control to restrict visibility to Stratasys printers and prevent unauthorized access.
Furthermore, Streamline Pro includes GrabCAD Analyze (Version 1.90), an advanced analytics, dashboard, and notification tool that operates on-premise. It offers out-of-the-box dashboards detailing and tracking printer and material utilization for FDM and PolyJet systems. Operators can also set up custom alerts for various printing events (e.g., print job at 95%, material level at 5%) to prevent unexpected issues or delays.
All these capabilities are accessible only with a valid GrabCAD Streamline Pro license. Learn more about Streamline Pro here.
五月 23, 2024
New Stratays printers and materials available
New Stratasys machines and materials are now available to be added to your Shop. These include :
- PolyJet printers like the J55 Pro, J3 and J5 DentaJet, and new models of J850 printers (Prime FabriX, Prime TechStyle, Pro and Digital Anatomy),
- FDM printers like the F190CR, F370CR, and F3300.
- P3 technology Origin One Dental with Dental materials,
- New PA12 and PP materials for the SAF technology H350,
- New FDM HIPS, Kimya, VICTREX, Polycarbonate and Ultem materials and colors for the Fortus 450mc and Stratasys F900 printers,
四月 1, 2024
New password rules for increased security
Users who are creating GrabCAD accounts to use GrabCAD software (GrabCAD Print, Shop, Control) are now required to set their passwords conforming to our new rules : 8 character minimum, with numbers, lower case and upper case characters required. This enhancement will increase the security of user accounts and provide IT and security managers at Stratasys printer sites with greater confidence in the security and management of GrabCAD software.
Go to or select the user icon in GrabCAD Print to create an account or reset your password.
一月 11, 2024
Control access to Printers
Administrators at Stratasys printer sites can now control access to their printers in GrabCAD Control, to prevent unauthorized, untrained or accidental visibility and usage of Stratasys printers at their site. This allows them to prevent printer downtime and wasted material in cases where users intentionally or accidentally modify the printer queues, cancel a long running print job and more. This also allows administratros to hide printers that are running sensitive and secretive print jobs, and only grant access to trained operators.
Go to GrabCAD Control, add your printers and group them. Then you can assign selected users in your company to the printer groups to grant them access and revoke access for everyone else. If you do not have access to GrabCAD Control, you can request a company account by emailed
八月 20, 2023
Units and bounding box dimensions for order items
GrabCAD Shop requesters can now specify units for order items with unitless file formats (STL, OBJ, VRML and similar formats) and view the bounding box dimensions (length, width and depth) in the Shop's preferred display units. This will reduce the feedback loop with operators as they can easily understand the size of the requests, and ensure that these items are fabricated with the correct desired size. CAD files not in the unitless file format will have the CAD units and bounding box dimensions displayed in a read-only format.
Go to a Shop and click "New order" to upload your files. After a CAD file is uploaded, the units and bounding box dimensions will be visible next to the order item. Once the order is submitted, the operators can see the selected units and dimensions in each order item's details. If the units are changed after the order is submitted, it is noted in the history section of the order.
六月 20, 2023
Introducing GrabCAD Control
Administrators, managers and IT who manage Stratasys printers can now use GrabCAD Control, the Stratasys printer and user management solution. Previously called Admin Console (used to manage GrabCAD Shop invitations and roles), GrabCAD Control can only be used by selected users (Admins) in a company. They can login to their "company account" in GrabCAD Control, and they can
- Invite users to their company,
- Add other admins,
- Connect their GrabCAD Print Server and manage their Stratasys printers,
- View and assign GrabCAD software licenses to your users,
- Create user and printer groups,
- Control user access,
- Assign user roles,
- Manage Shops and more.
Learn more about GrabCAD Control here. Contact to request a "company account". Our customer support team will create a company account for you and make you an admin, after which you can login and perform the actions above.
三月 7, 2023
GrabCAD Shop 管理员现在可以在订单页面中打开一个名为“零件总数”的可选列。这样的话,操作员无需打开每个订单,即可有效地衡量订单的大小。
“零件总数”列显示订单中可打印零件的总数及其各自的数量,这与“CAD 文件”列不同。“CAD 文件”列显示订单中特有可打印零件的数量。转到商店并单击“首选项”,可显示或隐藏此新列。
十二月 13, 2021
2021 年冬季更新摘要
十二月 13, 2021
所有新的 Stratasys 机器和许多第 3 方机器现在都可以添加到您的商店中。
Stratasys 的新增功能包括
- PolyJet 打印机,例如 J5 MediJet、J35 pro、J55 Prime,
- FDM F770,
- P3 技术 Origin One,
- SAF 技术 H350,
- 基于树脂的 RPS Neo 打印机。
- F123 打印机上的新 Stratasys ABS CF10 材料。
- 材料挤压:3DGence、Zortrax、Raise3D、MakerGear 和 Fusion3
- 粉末床 (SLS):Sinterit
- 粘结剂喷射:ExOne
- 基于树脂(SLA、DLP):新型 Formlabs 材料。
十一月 18, 2021
作业 - 一次管理多个订单
GrabCAD Shop 操作员现在可以使用“作业”一次快速处理和跟踪多个订单或零件。与使用单个订单相比,这样可以节省时间和单击次数。
作业是从提交到完成遵循相同路线的相似部件的集合,即在可用机器或后期处理步骤上共享相同的请求技术、材料、托盘/床。要开始,请单击左侧导航栏中的“作业”,然后单击“新建作业”。在此处,您可以看到 Shop 中的所有活动(状态不是“已完成”或“已取消”)零件。然后,您可以从列表中筛选、选择零件,并为您的 Shop 中的机器创建作业。作业创建之后,您可以
- 轻松将所有单个零件的状态更新为“进行中”。
- 在完成不同的流程步骤(作业已创建、已加入队列、正在打印、正在进行后期处理、已完成)时移动/拖动零件。
- 在 GrabCAD Print 中一起打开所有零件(如果是针对 Stratasys 机器的作业)。
- 为作业命名(示例:Friday F370 Tray)。
七月 7, 2021
GrabCAD Shop 请求者现在可以轻松为组件(装配文件 + 装配组件)或纹理文件(STL、OBJ、VRML 文件 + 图像/凹凸纹理文件)提交订单。请求者可以先仅上传父 CAD 文件/组件(例如 SLDASM、OBJ 等)并提交订单,而不是将订单中的所有文件和依赖项作为单个项目上传。然后,他们可以打开订单,单击每个订单项中的“附加文件”图标,以添加依赖项(例如 SLDPRT、STL、PNG)。之后,操作员可以打开一个订单项,其中包含从 GrabCAD Shop 到 GrabCAD Print 的所有依赖项。
五月 11, 2021
PolyJet 单一材料选项现已可用
与 FDM 类似,除已有的多色选项外,使用 PolyJet 机器的商店管理员现在可以选择并向商店请求者展示 Vero、Agilus 和 Tango 单色选项。您可以在“机器”页面中为 GrabCAD Shop 数据库中的所有 PolyJet 机器类型配置这些单一颜色/材料选项,提高 PolyJet 订单和使用案例的灵活性。
然后,如果请求者不想混合任何 PolyJet 材料,他们可以提交订单并指定单一可用的主要 PolyJet 颜色。(例如,在 Vero PureWhite 中打印 CAD 文件)。
四月 25, 2021
对于具有许多订单、自定义列或每个订单包含许多零件/物品的商店,现在在页面加载时间方面得到显著改进。订单列表页面的加载速度提高 10 倍,订单详细信息页面的加载速度提高 2 倍。“商店”主页、“机器”页面和“历史记录”部分查询也变得更加高效。所有这些更改旨在帮助 GrabCAD Shop 用户更快地管理和访问他们的商店、订单和相关内容。
为确保您的 GrabCAD Shop 订单和相关元数据安全无虞,我们会定期跟踪、识别和修复安全漏洞。GrabCAD Shop 最近接受了知名机构的安全渗透测试,并解决了所有中/高优先级漏洞。
一月 31, 2021
- 关于订单详情、日期、估算和价格的更改
- 状态变化
- 添加或删除订单项目/文件
- 操作员分配
十月 12, 2020
2020 年秋季更新摘要
在 五月 2020的更新摘要中,我们已添加更多功能。单击此处可观看视频摘要。
十月 6, 2020
九月 29, 2020
现在,管理员在 GrabCAD 商店中配置机器和材料时,可以添加机器使用情况、折旧、人工和材料成本。然后,可以在对订单报价时使用这些费率,对模型商店操作进行有效的成本分析。
八月 30, 2020
现在,您可以使用组织的电子邮件域 (my_email_ID@ domain),为所有用户提供 GrabCAD Shop 访问权限,而不是一次一封地添加电子邮件。在 GrabCAD Control 中,转到用户页面中的“邀请用户”选项卡,然后选择“按域添加”。输入用户的电子邮件域并且记得分配用户组,以便在这些用户登录时提供访问权限。
出于安全原因,Stratasys 的人员将尽快审核您的域请求。一旦获得批准,您的所有团队成员都可以使用他们的电子邮件登录 GrabCAD Shop 并访问您的商店。
七月 31, 2020
现在,每个商店的管理员都可以配置订单和零件状态,以有效传达请求状态。进入某个商店,单击“偏好”可显示或隐藏内置状态、更改显示颜色、重新排序状态,以及添加多达 8 个新的自定义状态。管理员还可以配置自定义状态是代表有效订单,还是无效订单。
- 订单的项目代码
- 订单中的 CAD 文件数
- 订单中要求的技术
- 订单中要求的材料
六月 25, 2020
六月 3, 2020
现在,您可以使用项目名称、请求者姓名、电子邮件地址或项目代码,在订单页面上搜索特定的订单。获得搜索结果后,您还可以将结果视图导出为 CSV 文件。
为提高 GrabCAD 商店在较小屏幕上的可用性,您现在可以使用屏幕顶部附近(公司名称旁边)的小箭头折叠灰色导航栏。折叠之后,将光标移到屏幕左侧均可进行查看。
六月 2, 2020
以下 Stratasys PolyJet 打印机已添加为商店可用机器:
- Stratasys J750 Digital Anatomy 打印机
- Stratasys j55
- Stratasys J720牙科
- Objet 和 Connex 260/350/500 打印机的完整系列
- 材料挤压 - Desktop Metal、Prusa、Dynamical 3D
- 粘结剂喷射 - Desktop Metal
- 粉末床融合 - HP
- FDM - Makerbot
此外,CNC 技术中已添加更多制造商和材料。最后,激光加工技术和相应的通用材料也已添加。
五月 22, 2020
自 2020 年 1 月发布以来,我们已添加了一些更新。请单击此处,观看视频摘要。
五月 20, 2020
五月 19, 2020
现在,您能以 .CSV 文件的形式下载“订单”页面的当前视图。如果您需要使用其他报告系统来跟踪订单,请应用筛选条件以获取所需的视图,然后单击“导出”按钮。
五月 11, 2020
四月 22, 2020
使用 GrabCAD Print 集成轻松规划作业
在您的“订单”页面中,选择一个或多个订单,然后单击顶部的“P”按钮,可以立即从 GrabCAD Print 中打开这些订单中的文件。您不再需要下载文件后手动添加,只需单击一下即可将文件导入 GrabCAD Print。此产品与 GrabCAD Print 版本 1.41 的发布时间一致。
三月 23, 2020
当管理员创建商店时,系统会自动创建两个用户组(请求者和操作员),并为每个组管理员。这些组可以在 GrabCAD Control 中查看,允许管理员轻松设置商店并为用户提供访问权限。