Getting your files together: pack-and-go for your CAD system

If your top level assembly references component files in many different locations, the best way to get them all into your GrabCAD project is to use a pack-and-go. This guide will tell you how to do that for some major CAD systems.


After saving your assembly, select Pack and Go from the File menu.
Scroll through the list of files and make sure all are selected. If any are grayed out, this means that SolidWorks was unable to locate this file. Please make sure these files exist on your computer.
Be sure to check the box to "Include Toolbox Components."
Where it says "Save to folder" select or make the folder you want to upload to your project and hit "Save."


After saving your assembly, go to the File menu and select Save As - Pack and Go.
Hit the search icon to the right of the Destination Folder field and find the folder you want to upload to GrabCAD, or select “Make New Folder.” 
Under “Options” make sure “Skip Libraries” is NOT checked. It is recommended to check “Skip Styles” and “Skip Templates” to keep your Pack and Go folder as small as possible. 
Hit “Search Now.”
Hit the “More >>” button to see the list of files in your project. You should see the main assembly file, all included subassemblies and parts, as well as all the Content Center parts in your assembly.
Hit “Start.”

Inside the folder you set as the destination, you should find copies of your .IAM assembly and all of its components as .IPT or .IAM files. Upload this folder to GrabCAD to make sure your assemblies display correctly. This folder may also contain a folder called "Old Versions" which can be removed to avoid convusion, since all old versions are kept by GrabCAD.

Creo and Pro/E

After saving your assembly, go to the File menu and select Save As - Save a Backup.
Make or select the folder you want to upload to GrabCAD and hit "Save.

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