
How do I report inappropriate models?

You may come by some inappropriate models that go against out Community guidelines. If you see that be sure to hit the "Report this model" button at the bottom of the page. But if you want to report a model in better detail you can send us an email with a link to the model page at

What if you find your models posted by someone else?

If you see your models posted by someone else on GrabCAD without attribution, please report it to us and refrain from posting comments on the model. The ‘Report this model’ button can be found next to the comments section, below similar models.  

If your model is inappropriately posted on an external site, please let us know at and contact the admin for that site, too. We recommend including a link to their post along with a link to your model on GrabCAD. Your GrabCAD model can act as a timestamp for when you created a model and acts as documentation and a reason for them to remove their inappropriate post. We respect and appreciate every model uploaded to GrabCAD and will remove any wrongly posted models and support you in your efforts to have work removed or properly represented on other sites, as well.

How do you ask for dependent files or a different CAD version?

The best way to get a member to upload dependent files is to ask them via private message or in the comments of the model you need. Most members are happy to provide you with a neutral format if they don't use the same native CAD software that you do. If you need a specific native software, then it is best to filter for those models when you search in the Library.

Why are you getting an error when you try to download a model?

There are a few reasons you may get an error when downloading or opening a model in your CAD software.

  • The file was uploaded to GrabCAD with errors, which means you would be able to download the file, but unable to open it on your computer. If this happens, notify the member via the model comments or private message to let them know they should upload a new version.
  • The file was uploaded without dependent files, which means you would be able to download the file, but unable to open it on your computer. If this happens, notify the member via the model comments or private message to let them know they should upload a new version.
  • The file is okay but you don't have the software to view it, which means you would be able to download the file, but unable to open it on your computer. If this happens, double check that you have the correct software to open it. Then, notify the member via the model comments or private message to ask them to add a neutral version or download one that is available. See our tips for making sure you find the right models when you search.
  • If you get an “XML error” or other error on download, then let us know via the 'flag' button on the top, left of the screen. You should look for a different version to download via the similar models on the bottom, right of the model page. Your report for this model will help us asses and fix the issue.

Why is the 3D model viewer not working?

If you cannot view the 3D model viewer on the model page, it is possible that your browser does not support it. To learn more about the 3D viewer's system requirements check out our   support article on the topic.

Can't find what you need? Send us a message Send us a message