Participating in a Discussion

So, you’ve joined a Group and you’ve found a discussion that you would like to participate in! Here are some aspects to take into consideration:

Please stay on topic.

In real life, it wouldn’t be polite to join an ongoing conversation and suddenly make it about something else, right? So if you join a discussion, please contribute to what’s already being talked about. All discussion posts that derail an existing conversation may be reported by the Group Administrator, and removed by the GrabCAD Support Team. Here's an example of someone derailing a conversation about SpaceX and their planned missions to Mars:

If you join a discussion, please come with something to contribute. 

If someone posts something you find interesting, we understand the temptation to leave a short message like “Great work!”, “Nice!”, “Good!”, or “Very helpful, thank you!” However, Group discussions are meant to be an interaction, so please only post in a discussion if you have something to contribute. Any discussion posts that are found to add nothing to the conversation may be reported by the Group Administrator, and removed by the GrabCAD Support Team. Here's an example of an ongoing discussion where every member has something to contribute: 

Make use of the “Edit” button.

Typos happen to everyone, especially when you’ve got a lot to say, and you would like to say it quickly. But if you catch yourself making typos, please use the “Edit” button to clean it up. Also use “Edit” if you want to go back and change or add to a previous statement you made.

Make use of the “Reply” button.

It says “Reply” in several places on a Group discussion page, but we’re referring here to where it says “Reply” under another member’s discussion post:

If you see a post like this that you wish to respond directly to, please click “Reply” under the post and respond to them that way. This makes it clear to other members of the discussion who your post is intended for. Here's an example of the "Reply" button being used correctly:

If you have suggestions or ideas how to improve Groups or any other GrabCAD functionality, join the   GrabCAD Community group.

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