Finding Another GrabCAD Member
There are plenty of reasons you might have to connect with another GrabCAD member. Maybe you would like to take a look at the member's 3D model portfolio, or learn more about the creator of a model you enjoyed. Maybe you would like to reach out and send them a private message to collaborate on design work together. Or maybe this member violated our Guidelines, and you want to identify them so you can report them.
Whatever your reason, here's how you can locate another GrabCAD member and even send them a private message. If you would like to send another member a message, find other members from a specific country, or just learn about our Community members, you should use our member search.
There are two ways to locate another GrabCAD member:
- A
- If you wish to contact a member who created content that you currently have your browser open to, all you have to do is click their name in red, which you will find just under the name of the model, question, tutorial, or Group discussion, or just above the body of text in an answer, comment or Group discussion post. This will bring you to their profile page.
- B
- There's another way to locate members of the GrabCAD Community, and that's by going to the Engineers look-up page and searching for them. You can get there from any page in the Community by clicking the "Engineers" button on the website's navigation bar.
- Now you're at the Engineers page! Along the top, you will see a search bar, along with several drop-down menus. The first drop-down menu allows you to decide which order you would like your search results to be arranged in: by Highest GrabCAD Score or by Most Followers, as well as over which time duration: this month, this year, or all-time.
The next three drop-down menus help you narrow down your search results to focus only on those members specialized in particular industries, living in particular countries, or skilled with certain 3D modeling software. If you would like to see a complete list of members from a particular country, industry or software skill-set, then all you have to do is leave the search field blank and set the drop-down menus to whatever you are looking for.
- Now, all you have to do is hit "Enter" or click the magnifying glass, and you'll be presented with a list of GrabCAD members that match your search criteria. Each member is presented like this:
You're presented with the member's name, profile image, location of residence, their number of uploaded models and their current number of followers. You will also see six of each member's models on the right, which you can click on to be taken to these model pages. Click "Follow" to receive updates from GrabCAD on this member's activities, or click on their name to be taken to their profile page.