GrabCAD Print release notes

GrabCAD Print version 1.94, September 2024

Build number released on 18 September 2024
  • New view controls are available when right-clicking on models: Show Model, Hide Model, Isolate Model, and Show All. These controls allow you to get a better view of the models on your tray in tightly packed arrangements. The hidden/shown state affects the display only, and does not impact whether models are printed. When models are hidden, you will see a “Show hidden models” button at the bottom of the viewer.
  • The old hide/show behavior has been renamed to avoid confusion with the new view controls: Suppress (previously “Hide”) removes the model from the tray and prevents it from being printed. It remains in the project panel’s file list with a strikethrough. Resume (previously “Show”) restores a suppressed model or component to the project. It will maintain settings and manipulations previously applied, but may not be placed on the tray in its original location.
  • When two or more models in a project have the same name, a number (in parenthesis) will be added to each model name so each may be uniquely identified. The identifier is retained until the number of like named models is reduced to one.
  • If your company has an instance of GrabCAD Print Server running, and you are in the office with your printers, you may be connected to your printer either locally or remotely via Server. The connection method used to stick to whichever was used previously, but now GrabCAD Print will switch to a local connection when it’s available, for FDM printers only. This prevents you from getting blocked when trying to perform an action that requires a local connection, such as sending a firmware update or printing while Server is in Read-only mode.
  • A new option called “No Supports” has been added to the Support Style selection in the Support Settings menu for FDM printers. The model will be printed with a base but no other support structures.
  • The Contour Width may now be changed in the Model Settings for FDM printers. Contour Width should be edited together with Body Thickness – changing the Contour Width affects the number of contours required to achieve the minimum body thickness.
  • The option to toggle between the standard gray model color and model material color(s) is now available for projects created for the Stratasys F3300 printer. When selected, the material color assigned to a model or body will be applied to the body on the tray.
  • Unlock the potential of your J5 Digital Anatomy Printer and enhance your anatomical models with incredible accuracy and customization with the Digital Anatomy Creator. This tool lets you edit material structures to precisely control biomechanical behavior.
  • Although J5 Digital Anatomy Printer cannot print the anatomy base materials in High Speed mode, it will allow selecting anatomy structures created with other materials to be used in High Speed mode.
  • We’re excited to introduce the new, enhanced TrueDent Shade options, available to all Dental GrabCAD Print users, featuring:
    • Advanced Color Assignment: designed to produce more accurate and consistent shades
    • 10 New Optimized Teeth Shades: provides more options to replicate natural tooth colors and meet diverse patient needs
    • 4 New Optimized Base Shades: each base shade offers 4 levels of translucency to achieve the perfect balance of opacity and depth
    • New TrueDent Clear Appliances: for fully translucent models and try-ins
    • Enhanced User Interface: for streamlined shade assignment and a more intuitive and efficient workflow
  • VeroEco™ Bond 60 digitally applied material ensures a strong, durable connection while maintaining environmental sustainability. Perfect for fashion, automotive, and beyond, it's the ideal solution for seamlessly integrating printed parts onto textiles.
  • When building support automatically for P3 printers, dental models placed flat on the build platform are skipped since they need no support. To override this when models are hollow and internal support is required, a new checkbox will force supports to generate.

GrabCAD Print version 1.93, August 2024

Build number released on 29 August 2024
  • Print Pro: SUP710 support material is now available to select in the Support as Model Material feature for all Stratasys J3/5 printers.
  • Introducing the Stratasys Origin Two printer and Origin One+ upgrade package! Both printers offer new materials and capabilities which you can read about here: Origin Two and Origin One+
  • The section tool now supports setting the increment for stepping through sections as well as entering the position of the section in space.
  • Wrap Model, described in the 1.79 release notes below, is now off by default for new projects using Stratasys F3300 printers. For all other FDM printers, Wrap Model remains on by default.
  • VeroContactClear is now treated as a transparent material for all transparency-related features.
  • Digital Materials (DMs) of ElasticoClear and MED610 were expanded for the Stratasys J5 MediJet and J5 Digital Anatomy Printer to include HS and LP print modes with SUP710 and WSS support materials.
  • When WSS is the selected support material, "No Grid" becomes the only available support grid type.
  • The following materials and their respective DMs were enabled for the Stratasys J5 Digital Anatomy Printer in HS mode: MED515, MED531, MED610, MED615, DraftWhite and MED-DABS IVORY-DM.
  • A new preference is available in File > Preferences > P3 for the display colors of Model and Support in the tray prep view.
  • Additional dental applications for Origin printers are now supported.

GrabCAD Print version 1.92, July 2024

Build number released on 16 July 2024
  • Print Pro: The maximum number of instances in a 3D Array has been increased to 15,000 from 10,000.
  • Print Pro: Exporting an assembly or selection is now possible, and the available output format now includes 3MF. Note that materials and colors assigned on a PolyJet printer are currently not exported.
  • Print Pro: Accuracy Center is now available for SAF, and enables a printed part to be scanned and any deviation in the printed geometry can be used to print a part with corrected geometry. It can also be used to calculate a print quality score based on the deviation of the printed geometry from the loaded ‘CAD’ part
  • Print Pro: Add inlay labels to multi-color models in GrabCAD Print for trays sent to Stratasys DentaJet Printers. Select one of the colors of the material loaded on the printer to use for the label.
  • Print Pro: When using Support as Model Material for the J850 TechStyle or J850 Print Fabrix, support material cannot be used for adhesion layer.
  • Stratasys Direct Parts on Demand can now be used to order parts and ship to Canada.
  • A cloud-connected printer protected by Stratasys Shield is indicated with the same Shield icon as for local printers.
  • Material usage and time estimation is now supported for ULTEM® 9085 Resin 0.2500 mm (0.0098 in) and 0.5000 mm (0.0197 in) slice heights on the Stratasys F3300 printer
  • The adhesion layer under the Fashion Options panel is now checked by default for the Stratasys J850 TechStyle.
  • For the P3 estimation results, model and support volumes are now separated. The Print Summary panel presents the total volume.

GrabCAD Print version 1.91, June 2024

Build number released on 22 June 2024
  • Print Pro: A new action, Export Models as STL. Select a single assembly, part or body and export it as an STL file from the right-click menu. Exported models will contain any fixes made in Analysis Mode, as well as any labels applied.
  • Print Pro: The Print Pro features Print-on-Tray, Print-on-Object, and Smart Insert, which were previously only available on J7/J8-Series printers, are now available on J3/J5-Series printers.
  • GrabCAD Print now supports import of FBX (.fbx) and GLTF (.gltf, .glb) file formats.
  • The Carbon Fiber Visual Print Option is a new slice height for ABS-CF10 that produces a smoother surface finish, perfect for when a part’s visual appearance is important to its application. The slice height (0.0050 inch, 0.1270 mm) is available on F123 and F123CR Series printers using a T14H head (requires firmware version 2.7).
  • OpenAM is now supported in for the Stratasys F900 printer. Material Packages are created when materials are tuned using OpenAM™, compiled, and distributed to GrabCAD Print and an F900 printer. Stratasys Preferred and Validated Materials may be tuned and included in packages, as well as third party open materials (requires printer firmware version 4.23).
  • VICTREX AM™ 200 is added to the Validated Material portfolio for the Fortus 450mc and the Stratasys F900 printers. VICTREX AM™ 200 is a high strength, high mechanical property PEEK based polymer that is temperature, corrosion, and chemical resistant. VICTREX AM™ 200 is supported for a 0.0100 inch (0.2540 mm) slice height using a T14F tip, with both breakaway (SUP4000B) and soluble (SR-100 Support) support (requires firmware version 6.9).
  • Updated Nylon 12CF shrinkage behavior. When the material for a tray is Nylon 12CF, and the tray includes both sparse infill and solid infill models, the shrinkage rate in Z for solid infill will be used. A message will inform the user of the change. When all models on the tray are switched to solid infill or sparse infill the shrinkage rate in Z for the selected infill style will be used.
  • GrabCAD Print supports IPv6 addresses when communicating with Stratasys F123 Series printers, excluding the Stratasys F770 (requires firmware version 2.7).
  • J5 DentaJet™ XL with its 4kg cartridges, is the latest innovation in the DentaJet Series product line. Crafted for high-volume production, this printer caters to the demands of aligner manufacturers, and C&B models and implants, offering unparalleled accuracy. It's the ultimate solution for crafting flawless products at scale, while also providing a cost-effective solution that revolutionizes workflows.
  • The J5 Digital Anatomy printer allows printing of unique Digital Anatomy materials on the J5 platform, including TissueMatrix, BoneMatrix, GelMatrix and RadioMatrix. A wide variety of anatomical presets is available to print anatomical models with biomechanical behavior similar to human tissues. For more information, click here.
  • You can now select input color profile for printing color models on PolyJet. Under Tray Settings > Advanced, choose between sRGB (default) and the new Adobe RGB 1998 profile. The Adobe profile provides more saturated colors (greens / yellow / reds) and we recommended using a highly saturated monitor to get a better idea of what the printed result will be.
  • The support grid style, which had previously been locked for J3/5-Series printers, can now be changed. Note: it will remain locked if the printer is loaded with TrueDent materials.
  • For applicable PolyJet printers, the following operations are now available on the UV LED Recipe panel:
    • Save changes on a private recipe
    • Save a recipe (both SSYS or Private) as a new private recipe
    • Rename a private recipe
    • Delete a private recipe
  • Polypropylene (PP) is now supported in the 3D Nest Settings UI for SAF.
  • Validation now reports the distance between objects involved in soft collisions, allowing the user to decide if it’s OK to go ahead and print.
  • For P3 printing, you can now define the default material and support profile to be selected automatically when starting a new project.
  • For P3 printing, when you modify the support of a specific model, a warning icon will appear next to the model in the project panel with the tooltip “Model's support parameters differ from the tray default.“
  • For P3 printing, when all selected models have the same Support Profile, their anchor points and/or support structures can be generated automatically by a single button.

GrabCAD Print version 1.90, May 2024

Build number released on 22 May 2024
  • Print Pro: A new action, Separate, is available on the right-click menu when STL files on a tray are selected. Separate converts an STL file with multiple shells into an assembly with multiple bodies. Model Settings may then be applied to each body. The model is not changed if only one shell is identified.
  • Print Pro: The Allerta Stencil font may be selected for use in labels. To choose this font, expand the Labels drop-down menu and select Allerta Stencil. The Atkinson Hyperlegible font is still the default font.
  • Print Pro: The Assembly Name model attribute may now be included in Label Templates. Assembly Name has the same modifiers as Part Name (From Start/End, Skip, and Length). When there is no assembly structure the behavior of Assembly Name and Part Name is the same.
  • Print Pro: Support-as-Material, a PolyJet setting which allows you to create textured finishes on your designs by printing a dual glossy and matte surface, has been made available to all J-Series printers.
  • New views have been added to the View toolbar. In addition to Standard Mode which displays models as shaded, new options are Wireframe Mode and Wireframe Shaded Mode, which display models as a transparent or shaded wireframe mesh, respectively. The new views are not compatible with Preview Supported Surfaces.
  • An option to print in FDM without support structures is added to GrabCAD Labs. After turning on the feature (File > Preferences > GrabCAD Labs), you will find “No Supports” as a Support Style option in the Support Settings panel. The model will be printed with a base but no other support structures.
  • An issue where a model could not be reoriented when a full height sacrificial tower is present has been resolved.
  • For SAF printing, you can now choose sub-nest to create a nest in a defined region of the pack with control of the X, Y, Z size dimension and the X, Y, Z position of the origin of the region specified from any chosen corner of the pack
  • The smallest text size for SAF labels has been reduced to 10 pt.
  • For P3 printing, anchor points that were added or moved manually will be presented with a different color than anchor points generated automatically.

GrabCAD Print version 1.89, April 2024

Build number released on 16 April 2024
  • Get quotes and order parts from Stratasys Direct within GrabCAD Print in the new Parts on Demand mode. Available for a range of FDM materials and US shipping.

    For FDM printing, an issue where the bounding box generated for a model with stabilizers is larger than necessary, causing it to violate the build volume, is resolved.

    For applicable PolyJet printers, the following operations are now available on the UV LED Recipe panel:

    • Save changes on a private recipe
    • Save a recipe (both SSYS or Private) as a new private recipe
    • Rename a private recipe
    • Delete a private recipe
  • New Fashion Capability: Print on Garment. The simplified interface includes compatibility with the new innovative Direct to Garment Trays kit, which enables designers to incorporate intricate 3D elements directly onto finished garments.
  • A new button in the H350 nesting panel called Fill Selected allows you to fit as many duplicates of a single part as will fit in the pack.
  • For P3 printing, you can now generate Anchor Points and/or Support for multiple models in a single operation once all the models share the same support profile.
  • For P3 printing, certain materials (mainly Elastomers) require extra support strengthening when high scaffolds are generated. You can control the strengthening type per support profile, per tray or per specific model. The SSYS Elastomeric profile was already modified to set have this option.
  • For P3 printing, the Material definition provides default arrangement parameters per material: Gap between models and Gap from print boundaries. OpenAM users can modify these values for their private materials. Any user can modify these parameters per tray (via the Arrange panel).

GrabCAD Print version 1.88, March 2024

Build number released on 19 March 2024
  • Print Pro: GrabCAD Print Pro now includes features for PolyJet! These consist of features that were previously only available via the PolyJet Research Package...
      • Print directly on tray (J7/8-Series only) — Allows printing onto materials such as glass or carbon fiber, creating a perfect surface finish on the underside of the part(s) and eliminating the need for post-processing on the underside.
      • Air-as-Material (J7/8-Series only) — Allows using air instead of resin to significantly reduce the weight of parts, enabling up to 30% material savings.
      • Smart Insert™ (J7/8-Series only) — Allows for the embedding of various functional/decorative elements directly into the print.
      • Print-on-Object (J7/8-Series only) — Allows model customization and personalization with direct-to-object printing onto a wide variety of substrates.
      • Voxel Print App (J7/8-Series only) — Tool for printing slice data defined by other software, allowing control over every detail of the model, including color, transparency, and shore hardness at the voxel level.
    • ...other new functionality...
      • Support-as-Material (J750 and J850 Prime only) — Allows creating textured finishes on your designs by printing a dual glossy and matte surface.
      • Liquid-as-Material (J7/8-Series only) — Allows creating hollow cavities such as microfluidic structures, hollow tubes, hydraulic parts, etc.
      • High-Speed mode (J55 only) — Maintains the same layer thickness but operates at twice the speed when using 2 materials.
    • well as some features already available in Print Pro for FDM and SAF:
      • Labels
      • Thickness Analysis
      • Assemble/Dissolve
      • 3rd-Party Plugins
  • Print Pro: Exported estimation results now use hh:mm time format for easier inclusion in calculations.
  • GrabCAD Print now supports the following CAD versions:
    • SOLIDWORKS 2024
    • Inventor 2024
    • NX 2306 Series
    • Solid Edge 2024
    • .X_T 36
    • .JT 10.9
  • Digital Materials (DMs) which are mixtures of Agilus CMY and VeroUltraWhite, VeroPureWhite or VeroClear are now available on all J7/8-Series printers in all print modes allowed for these materials. DM names have the prefix FLXAC.

GrabCAD Print version 1.87, February 2024

Build number released on 28 February 2024
  • Print Pro: Estimation results for Pro projects now include cost estimates in both the Tray/Nest Summary and Build Report (per-part) tabs. The costing rates are configurable on a new tab in the estimation results window or from Printer Settings.
  • Section View has been added to the control strip at the top of the viewer. This allows you to see features of models that might otherwise be obscured, and can be used in conjunction with the measure tool or Origin’s support generation tool. After enabling Section View, the buttons below allow you to select a sectioning plane and direction, or you can use the drag handles to section at other angles.
  • The text in the estimation results window is now selectable and may be copied to the clipboard with Ctrl+C.
  • The Position tool, which was previously only available for PolyJet and Print Pro projects, is now available for all technologies in Print Standard.
  • The default setting for Thicken Thin Walls on F123 Series printers has been changed to Off.
  • An issue where a contour in part’s shell and in some cases its adjacent infill did not generate has been fixed.
  • The Stratasys F3300, a new large-format industrial FDM printer, is now available to select in GrabCAD Print. Learn about features and performance of the Stratasys F3300 here, or select it from the list of printer templates to see the available materials and settings.
  • PolyJet support visualization, available in the view control strip at the top of the viewer, has improved visibilty by showing supported areas in blue, rather than a checkerboard pattern.
  • This option will position the part on the tray’s actual position as shown on the screen, without optimizing the printing process. With Absolute Position, printing quality of small parts may be affected.
  • The measure tool, which was added for other technologies in the 1.83 update, is now available for PolyJet print prep.
  • For SAF projects, a powerful and dynamic version of the Build Report is now available. From the estimation results, select Build Report, and choose “HTML” from the export dropdown in the upper right corner. The resulting file can be opened in any web browser and contains the nest and per-part estimations, as well as interactive 3D previews of the nest and each part, showing its location in the nest. There is also a search tool to help find specific parts by name.
  • The label for the Sinter Box is now previewed so it is clear whether the label will fit in the available space.
  • For P3 projects, the bug which prevented Z-Compensation values from being accepted is now fixed. Note that there is still a rule that Z-Compensation cannot exceed the support Part Penetration value.
  • Two new values are added to the Anchor Points settings under "Extra Island Support" which add additional anchor points around the first contact with an island and carry default settings per support profile:
    • Island's Supported Radius: The radius around the first evidence of an island which will receive extra anchor points.
    • Island's Interior Spacing: The spacing between these additional anchor points.
  • Additional updates for support parameters:
    • For Industrial model, the maximum Foot Diameter was increased from 10 to 30mm.
    • For Dental models, Part Penetration can be 0.

GrabCAD Print version 1.86, January 2024

Build number released on 29 January 2024
  • An issue where FDM toolpath computation results in a large part violating the build volume or small parts interfering with each other has been fixed.
  • The 3D viewer has been updated for PolyJet print prep. This update was required for features that are coming soon, but for now you should notice no change. However, if needed you can switch back to the old viewer in File > Preferences > PolyJet.
  • Files created with the GrabCAD Voxel Print app (.gcvf files) may now be imported by anyone with a J-Series printer. Using the Voxel Print app to create .gcvf files still requires a license, but importing the files is now allowed for everyone.
  • The option to work with less than 7 model materials in High Mix print mode (by using Cleanser for the other channels) was expanded to include High Quality print mode.
  • Three Updates for J5 DentaJet Users
    • The IFU (Instructions for Use) for TrueDent materials now appears when you have a J5 DentaJet printer selected with TrueDent materials.
    • The Model Settings panel for TrueDent printing has been revised for usability. Easily pick favorites and default material for both gingiva and teeth shades.
    • J5 DentaJet users can now utilize an end-to-end workflow, from intra-oral scan to full color printed model, using Exocad Model Creator. A new color profile in GrabCAD Print allows color matching with Exocad.
  • The curing process for Origin printing can cause extra material to build up on downward facing surfaces, called overcure. A new parameter called Z-Compensation fixes this by offsetting those surfaces upwards.
  • For Origin Dental users, the “Filter Support in Cavity” option will show a new warning message, informing you that some necessary supports may have been removed.
  • When P2P Struts are not feasible due to length or height limitations, the support generation will automatically use P2P Scaffolds.

GrabCAD Print version 1.85, December 2023

Build number released on 4 January 2024
  • Print Pro: Two Updates For Labels
    • It is now possible to delete all labels in a single operation via a button in the labels panel.
    • When creating a template label, there’s now a preview of the label text on the part, providing a visual aid while adjusting size, position and rotation.
  • J8 Series printers can now use cleaning fluid cartridges as a replacement for model materials in the 7-material printing mode. Using this feature, you can load cleaning fluid in up to 4 printing channels and keep printing, allowing you to print while swapping materials.
  • You can now send a print job to a Connex3 printer loaded with 2 materials, known as DM2 mode. (Note: requires disabling the Advanced Slicer in File > Preferences > PolyJet)
  • The option to use one UV Lamp when printing in HQ mode has become the default on J850 Prime, J850 Prime Fabrix, J850 Pro, J835 & J750.
  • The ratio of anatomy materials within mixtures with other model or support materials is limited. The validation of these limitations was added to each noise modulation step. The limitation of SUP706 was fixed: SUP706 must be less than 50% in Outer Layers when mixing with BoneMatrix, any Agilus30 material or any Vero material.
  • Fashion Options Improvements
    • UV LED Recipe can be selected without opening the Recipe panel.
    • The Recipe panel is opened by the Manage Recipes button.
    • Total slices includes the Adhesion Layer is defined.
  • A Cancel button was added to the progress bar for the Anchor Points and Support Generation processes for Origin printers. If anchor points or support structures have been generated, they will be removed.
  • When modifying a parameter in the Anchor Points and Support panels, the Support Profile name now shows an asterisk (*) near the Support Profile name to indicate unsaved changes. Use the Reset to Profile button to reset the modified parameters.

GrabCAD Print version 1.84, November 2023

Build number released on 30 November 2023
  • Print Pro: Introducing Gap Analysis ! The Thickness Analysis tool has been enhanced to allow the user to detect gaps, e.g. pockets, in their models, which fall below the resolution of the printer, this is available on a new Gap tab in the Thickness Analysis panel.
  • Print Pro: the Accuracy Center WAM function now delivers even higher accuracy improvement and allows users to iterate to improve quality on even the most challenging projects.
  • The Validated Materials which were introduced for the Fortus 450mc in 1.75 are now available for the F900. These materials are validated using basic reliability tests before being made available for programming and printing jobs. Validated Materials require firmware version 4.22 be installed on the F900 and are only available for 0.0100 in / 0.2540 mm slice height.
  • For PolyJet, the adhesion layer for Fashion printers has been improved. Previously, when printing a matte model with an adhesive layer, the adhesive layer was printed below the model and its surrounding support. When the support was removed, the adhesion layer may have remained around the model. After the latest update, the adhesion layer is only added under the model, which avoids the issue of the adhesion layer remaining when the support is removed.
  • We have resolved an issue for PolyJet Objet30V3 and V5 printers where print jobs started to fail after the update to GrabCAD Print 1.83.
  • For SAF, the 3D Nest panel now reports additional progress information in the form X / Y so the user can clearly see how many models were selected and how many are currently included in the nest.
  • For P3, a parameter auto-correction capability has been introduced. Whenever the user enters an invalid value to any parameter that has a valid range, the value is now automatically corrected to the closest valid value and a tooltip is shown for the auto-corrected valid range.

GrabCAD Print version 1.83, October 2023

Build number released on 24 October 2023
  • Print Pro: The Build Report now estimates purged material for printers that use a purge part or sacrificial tower.
  • Print Pro: The Build Report now includes estimates of the time required to print individual parts as part of an Excel or CSV Export.
  • Print Pro: When exporting Estimations to an Excel file the Build Report and Tray Summary are now included as separate sheets of the same document.
  • Introducing the Measure tool! Distances may now be measured point to point, plane to point, or point to plane with an option to snap to vertices. Measure is supported for FDM, SAF and P3 projects.
  • It is now possible to rename parts, assemblies and bodies in the Project Panel or Model Viewer by highlighting the model and selecting the Rename command on the right mouse button menu.
  • New selection options have been added to the right-click menu. Select All can now be applied to the whole project or just the current tray. And a new option, Invert Selection, flips the selection to parts that are not selected, either on the current tray or the entire project.
  • For H350 printing, two new options are available in the view control strip:
    • Colorize adds random colors to parts in your nest to better visualize dense packs.
    • Layer Line Visualization shows lines on upward or downward facing surfaces where layers may be visible in the resulting print.
  • For P3, a new tool was added to generate a support structure in GrabCAD Print. Now you can use GrabCAD Print to fully prepare your CAD files and send to print, no extra software is needed.

GrabCAD Print version 1.82, September 2023

Build number released on 19 September 2023
  • Print Pro: A new capability under Analysis mode called Thickness Analysis allows the user to quickly ascertain if their part contains geometry which is below the resolution of their printer. The resolution is set by default based on printer technology, the user may set their own value. The display can be binary red fail / green pass or a continuous yellow-red gradient. The cursor also provides a ‘probe’ to show the specific value at any point over the part.
  • Print Pro: It is now possible to use smaller and negative spacing values for the FDM 3D Array command enabling much tighter arrangements of parts on the tray.
  • It is now possible to hide the tray, which enables a better view of the underside of tightly packed parts.
  • GrabCAD Print supports IPv6 addresses when communicating with Stratasys H350, Fortus 450mc, Stratasys F900, and Fortus 900mc printers. IPv6 for the Fortus 450mc requires firmware version 6.8. The Stratasys F900 and Fortus 900mc will require firmware version 4.22 to support IPv6.
  • Introducing TrueDent™, FDA-cleared (Class II) resins developed for 3D printing of dentures and temporary crowns and bridges on the J5 DentaJet platform. It enables batch production of highly aesthetic, monolithic, multicolor dental appliances on a single mixed tray. While currently available in specific regions, TrueDent™ offers a promising solution for dental labs seeking enhanced productivity and superior outcomes.
  • In version 1.81, a preference was added for activating/deactivating the Advanced Texture processing. This checkbox was moved to the Tray Settings (under the Advanced section), allowing the user to determine the value per job. The checkbox is cleared by default for J55 Prime and J850 Prime, which prints heavy trays with textures.
  • Gel coating was added in Structural Heart models on a DAP printer (as defined in Blood Vessel models).
  • For SAF printing, sinter boxes may now have a user-defined label as part of the box geometry, enabling you to break apart the cake to know what parts are contained in the Sinter box. Long labels are automatically aligned to the longest axis of the Sinter box.
  • For SAF printing, the minimum spacing value for nesting can be overridden for specific selected parts that need additional space for improved thermal management.
  • For SAF printing, you can now choose if a nesting operation adds to the existing contents of the nest or clears the nest and starts over.
  • For P3 printing, the Fit to Tray option shall launch an orientation improvement that will rotate the model in steps until it fits the print area.
  • For P3 printing, all dental support profiles should have a new parameter to filter out anchor points on the intaglio for Splint models oriented in 90°.
  • For P3 printing, when creating anchor points, the supportable areas are colored according to the self-supporting angle specified in the selected support profile.
  • GrabCAD Print users with P3 On-Prem cloud can run GrabCAD Print under a non-admin account.

GrabCAD Print version 1.81, August 2023

Build number released on 16 August 2023
  • Print Pro: Accuracy Center now employs tabs for Original and Validation views. The Original tab displays the accuracy results (heatmap and print accuracy score (PAS)) for the original printed part. The Validation tab lets users upload a scan of the WAM print to see exactly how much the accuracy improved. It displays the new PAS vs. the original score and the new histogram is shown with a grey outline of the original superimposed you can easily see the reduction of specific error bands.
  • Print Pro: New WAM controls to the Accuracy Center for better outcomes with horizontal surfaces:
    • Preserve (now the default) allows only uniform vertical adjustment of horizontal surfaces to preserve aesthetics and avoid adding contour lines to smooth horizontal areas.
    • Pin prevents any movement of horizontal surfaces.
    • Free Adjust allows free de-warping of horizontal surfaces including adding contours within horizontal surfaces for maximum accuracy where fit is prioritized over aesthetics.
  • Print Pro: Added quick preview of selected scan file in Accuracy Center to aid users in choosing the correct scan file.
  • Print Pro: The Y axis of the Accuracy Center histogram now shows the percentage of the total part for each error-level bar so you can now see what percentage of your part lies above or below or within the chosen tolerance.
  • Print Pro: When comparing a scan in Accuracy Center, the local disparity of the printed and scanned part (e.g., error vs. the design at that point) is now displayed dynamically as you move the mouse over the compare results.
  • For P3 users with Local Hub and OpenAM Licenses, the problem when uploading a "Per-Layer Settings" file was fixed.
  • For P3 users, the preference "Automatically create trays when models do not fit on current platform" under Model Insert Settings is now working for P3 printers as it does on other platforms.

GrabCAD Print version 1.80, July 2023

Build number released on 19 July 2023
  • 2023 versions of CAD files are supported in GrabCAD Print as follows: SOLIDWORKS 2023, SolidEdge 2023, Siemens NX 2212.
  • Print Pro: Ad-hoc text labels can now be added to FDM parts (STL and CAD), they may be embossed or debossed and the text size, depth and spacing can be controlled. Additionally, re-usable templates for labels can be created, these can embed text, part name and generate a unique serial number. Click here to learn more about GrabCAD Print Pro.
  • For SAF nesting, the names of the methods for nesting have been changed from Standard and Advanced to No interlocks and Compact to make their function clearer to the user. The default method is now Compact (formerly Advanced) which generally results in a denser nest.
  • For SAF, validate could be very slow in some cases, so you can now cancel the validation process if you need to make further edits to the nest.
  • The new VeroEcoFlex family of semi-flexible materials is now available for J850 TechStyle users. Read more here.
  • Most PolyJet printers use UV Mercury lamps, but the J850 TechStyle replaces those with UV LEDs. The new UV LEDs enable more accurate curing which is crucial for the small fashion models which have thin features. The UV LED Recipe feature in GrabCAD Print provides a mechanism to control the UV function up to a specific slice or slice range. You can control which LEDs to use and the intensity of each LED at any portion of the print process.
  • We have addressed an issue in GrabCAD Print where P3 machines were not being saved as favorites. This issue has been fixed, and users can now assign machines as their favorites.
  • Previously, there was an issue where long job estimations for P3 jobs were not displayed correctly. This resulted in presenting a much shorter time for completion. We have resolved this issue.
  • We have resolved an issue for P3 that occurred when certain materials with specific settings failed to start printing. Users will no longer encounter this problem, and jobs will begin printing as expected.
  • For P3 users with OpenAM licenses, the Scaling range under the Material profile has been expanded and is now +2% to -1%, allowing for better adjustment of scaling to compensate for resin shrinkage.
  • For P3 users with OpenAM licenses, we have fixed an issue with the "Upload Per Layer Settings" function, which was not performing optimally under certain circumstances.
  • For P3 users with OpenAM licenses, we have fixed an issue where jobs with newly made materials would not begin printing.

GrabCAD Print version 1.79, June 2023

Build number released on 20 June 2023
  • The Wrap Model tool is available for Groups, where member bodies can have unique settings. It is on by default. The wrap encloses the bodies of the model in a common shell. The shell adds strength when joints between bodies in the model are not designed to resist applied loads. If joints between bodies are designed to resist loads, the wrap feature is not required and may be turned off.
  • Conflicts related to CMB import now describe clearly how the file being added does not match the project.
  • ASA is now available for the Stratasys F770 printer in the following colors: White, Black, Light Gray, Blue, Red, Yellow.
  • Pedestal height on J3/J5 DentaJet was increased to 1 mm for better adhesion.
  • The option "Optimize For Packaging" was added to J850 Prime FabriX. This option improves the print results of transparent packaging objects (like bottles).
  • On the Scaling tool under tray settings for P3 printers, the measurement unit has been enhanced from one decimal to three decimal places. This enhancement allows for more precise measurements and finer adjustments in the feature's functionality.
  • Importing a slice-stack for P3 printers now supports slice file names with any prefix, for example, layer_xxx, slice_xxx, etc.
  • For P3 users with OpenAM licenses, there is a new Download Material Setting feature. It allows you to download a CSV file containing information about the first + transition layers of material. To access this info, go to the Materials Library, select a material, and press the "Download Settings" button which is located above the Per Layer Settings table.
  • The project panel now displays an icon next to any model that has been created with the mirror command.
  • For SAF printing, the nesting progress bar now tells the user when nesting is happening and when validation is occurring.

GrabCAD Print version 1.78, May 2023

Build number released on 16 May 2023

  • GrabCAD Print Pro is here! Features include Warp-Adjusted Modeling, per-part estimations, manufacturing templates, and more.
    • Read the full list of Pro features
    • Request a free trial

      The software used internally in GrabCAD Print to render the on screen graphics for FDM jobs has been updated, as many of the new functions require this. The old viewer is still available by the preferences menu, although this will be deprecated at some time in the future.

      For FDM, the linking behavior for external contours is updated to always use the behavior defined for the model material and slice height. Previously, external contours linked for some use cases, ignoring the material linking behavior.

      Nylon-CF10 is now available with breakaway support for the Stratasys F370CR and F190CR printers. The SUP4000B support material provides a tankless support removal solution and faster time to part with easy to remove breakaway supports. SUP4000B uses the same support head as QSR, and same slice heights (0.0130 in/0.3302 mm; 0.0100 in/0.2504 mm; 0.0070 in/0.1778 mm) as

      Nylon-CF10. Nylon-CF10 with breakaway support requires that printer firmware be updated to version 2.6.

      The material definition of Nylon-CF10 with QSR support has been updated to improve infill behavior for 0.0100 in (0.2504 mm) and 0.0130 in (0.3302 mm) slice heights.

      Improve accuracy of the build time and material volume estimations for: 

    • 0.0200 in (0.5040 mm) ASA using a T40A tip on the Fortus 900mc printer 
    • 0.0200 in (0.5040 mm) Nylon CF12 (Black) using a T40C tip on theStratasys F900 printer 
    • 0.0200 in (0.5040 mm) ULTEM 9085 Resin Black using a T40A tip on the Stratasys F900 and Fortus 900mc printers. 
  • After clicking the "Print" button for a P3 job, on the Print summary window, you can easily enlarge the 1st layer or the tray preview thumbnail by pressing on it. This will allow you to get a closer look at the details of the first slice before printing. 
  • If a model is positioned outside the build volume for a P3 job, an orange exclamation point notification will be shown on the Project panel window, hovering over it will describe the issue. 
  • For P3 users with OpenAM licenses, GrabCAD Print now supports uploading a Per Layer Setting that includes an "edgeBuildingCompensation" value. After uploading, the column will be displayed in the Per Layer Setting table. 

GrabCAD Print version 1.77, April 2023

Build number released on 18 April 2023

  • The ability to switch print technologies without starting a new project has been restored.
  • PolyJet: When changing a gingiva shade for a specific assembly, the assembly and its shells were duplicated and marked as hidden in the tray tree. (The hidden assembly was created for simplifying the “Undo” operation, which is extremely complicated.) From now on, these assemblies will not be visible on the tree and the undo operation will continue working normally.
  • SAF: You can now select parts and create a sinter box to contain and protect the parts, specifying the hole size, beam thickness and spacing.
  • P3: The transition layers parameters are optimized and are now handled automatically on validated materials. Previously this function was shown under Material Properties but is now hidden.
  • P3: There was an issue where models defined in inches would change to millimeters before printing, and this has been fixed.

GrabCAD Print version 1.76, March 2023

Build number released on 21 March 2023

  • An issue where Stack (*.zip) appeared as the file type when importing a CMB has been restored to CMB Files (*.cmb, *.cmb.gz).
  • For P3 printing, under "Tray settings" / "Material Properties" you will see a new Scaling parameter. This will help if your printed part is affected by material shrinkage, you can edit and optimize the scaling values of the material on the job level.
  • For P3 printing, under "Tray settings" / "Material Properties" you will see a new Extra base layers parameter. This will help if your part has a lower Z height than the CAD design. Adding Extra Base Layers will duplicate the first layer to compensate for the loss of height on them.
  • For P3 users with OpenAM licenses, printing a modified "Per-Layer Setting" using CSV now works properly.

GrabCAD Print version 1.75, February 2023

Build number released on 21 February 2023

  • In order to make the software more robust, switching to a printer of a different technology (such as FDM to PolyJet) will require starting a new project file. You can freely switch between printer technologies before you add models to a project.
  • Validated Materials are now available in GrabCAD Print when programming jobs for the Fortus 450mc printer. These materials are validated using basic reliability tests before being made available for programming and printing jobs. Validated Materials require firmware version 6.7 be installed on the 450mc.
Validated Material Available Slice Height Model Tip Support Material Support Tip
FDM HIPS (High-Impact Polystyrene) 0.0100 in (0.2540 mm) T16 SUP1500B T12
Kimya PC-FR (Flame Retardant)
0.0100 in (0.2540 mm) T16 SR-100 T12SR100
New Colors of ULTEM™ 9085 Resin (Red, Aircraft Gray, Gunship Gray, Dream Gray, White 7362, and Jana White) 0.0100 in (0.2540 mm) T16 SUP8500B T16
New Colors of PC (Red and Black) 0.0100 in (0.2540 mm) T16 SR-100 T12SR100
New Color of PC-ABS (Red) 0.0100 in (0.2540 mm) T16 SR-100 T12SR100
(BETA) VICTREX AM™ 200 PAEK (Low-melt)
0.0100 in (0.2540 mm) T14E SR-100 T12SR100
(BETA) Covestro Addigy® PA6/66-GF20 FR LS (Glass-filled Nylon, Flame Retardant) 
0.0100 in (0.2540 mm) T20G SUP4000B T16
  • Material Packages are now supported in GrabCAD Print. Material Packages are created when materials are tuned in OpenAM™, compiled, and distributed to GrabCAD Print and a Fortus 450mc printer enabled with an OpenAM license. Stratasys Preferred and Validated Materials may be tuned and included in packages, as well as third-party open materials.Material Packages require printer firmware version 6.7.
  • A bug where duplicates of a CMB (or copy/paste) did not have the same tool path as the original CMB has been fixed.
  • Based on the J35 platform, the J3 DentaJet™ is our entry-level PolyJet printer for small to medium-sized dental labs. It can produce mixed trays of three biocompatible materials, including a large quantity of implant models, surgical guides, and gingiva masks, all on the same tray and with unmatched accuracy. See the new J3 DentaJet™ here.
  • The alert prompting a Job Manager upgrade for PolyJet printers will now only appear when the versions of GrabCAD Print and the Job Manager are not aligned. Previously, the alert would appear as soon as a new version was available. 
  • It is now possible to add a coating layer to a textured VRML model for PolyJet printing.
  • For SAF printers, PA12 material (beta) is now available. Read more here.
  • For SAF printers, a new right-click option allows you to select any models that are invalid after estimation or validation. 
  • For SAF printers, in some cases angled parts exhibited small surface artifacts from slicing, the slicing algorithm has been made more accurate to avoid this problem.
  • For P3 printing without internet access, connection to the Origin One Local printer via the Origin Local Hub is now supported (details in the Origin One Local reference guide under Stratasys Support Center). Please see connection instructions here.
  • For P3 printers, you can now import slices that were created by applications like Netfabb using: File > Import Slice Stack.

GrabCAD Print version 1.74, January 2023

Build number released on 17 January 2023

  • The Windows security setting for using FIPS compliant encryption had previously been blocking printer connectivity for GrabCAD products, and this has been resolved for GrabCAD Print and Print Server. FIPS must still be disabled on systems where the PolyJet Job Manager is installed.
  • 3DConnexion Spacemouse support, which was introduced in 1.55, has now been restored.
  • CMYK Input for VeroFlex materials was enabled for all J7xx/8xx printers when the tray materials contains all color VeroFlex materials.
  • Edge Compensation was added to the material parameters for Origin printers. This new tool allows you to add or subtract microns from the edges of the model in each slice. This will help if you are seeing features, like holes, that are slightly too large or too small, but you don't want to change the scaling of your model.  

GrabCAD Print version 1.73, December 2022

Build number released on 20 December 2022

  • Adding models from Workbench is no longer possible. Please read more about GrabCAD Workbench deprecation in the blog post here.
  • For PolyJet dental printers, the file that lists the teeth & gingiva shade names for the integration with 3Shape was updated with the new shades added in version 1.72. Also, when opening an old project or job that contains shade names that do not exist, the shade name shall be empty with the notification being presented. If the user selects a preset that uses a shade that doesn’t exist, the default shade will be set automatically.
  • GrabCAD Print Manufacturing notes are now available for the H350, this allows users to annotate their models and create a PDF report containing screenshots of the models and the notes in a PDF traveler document.
  • Also for the H350, a bug has been fixed and now the labels preview is shown at the correct size.

GrabCAD Print version 1.72, November 2022

Build number released on 16 November 2022

  • A 0.0200 inch (0.508 mm) slice height is added for Nylon 12 CF on the Stratasys F900 printer, enabling faster throughput on large parts. This slice height uses the T40C model tip. 
  • A 0.0200 inch (0.508 mm) slice height is added for ULTEM™ 9085 Resin, ULTEM™ 9085 CG Resin, and ULTEM™ 9085 Resin Black on Stratasys F900 and Fortus 900mc printers. The new slice height enables faster throughput on large parts. This slice height uses the T40A model tip. 
  • Selected models in the H350 3D Nest can be visually isolated, so all of the non selected models are hidden, when the user has finished working on the isolated models they can show all the models again. Note that these operations do not change the position of any parts in the 3D Nest.
  • For the H350, any assembly from CAD created with the Assemble command or a grouped 3D Array can be selected and the assembly structure can be dissolved leaving individual models.
  • Estimations for the H350 now report mass for the whole nest and for models, also the HAF fluid for the whole nest.
  • The label command for H350 now remembers settings between uses of the command, making creating a sequence of manual labels much faster as emboss/deboss, text size etc. remain the same.
  • For the J5 DentaJet, some Teeth shades were improved with a more accurate color and two new shades were added.
  • For the J5 DentaJet, the gingiva shades were improved with better textures. Four new shades were added.

GrabCAD Print version 1.71, October 2022

Build number released on 18 October 2022

  • J5 DentaJet users can now utilize an end-to-end workflow from intra-oral scan to full color printed model using 3Shape’s Dental System software and GrabCAD Print. The 3Shape Color Model Profile has been added to the J5 DentaJet when printing with VeroDent PureWhite and Vero CMYK. Please note that this requires the 2022 release of the 3Shape Dental System software.
  • A notification will appear in the print confirmation screen when sending jobs to Connex printers with the Advanced Slicer enabled. 
  • Jobs printed on J7/J8-Series printers in Super High Speed mode were not appearing on the schedule view, and this is now fixed.
  • The 3D Nest area for H350 can be renamed by clicking on the preview in the project panel, similar to renaming a tray for FDM or PolyJet, and this will change the name of the job sent to the printer.
  • The contents of report generated for estimates on the H350 can now be copied and pasted into other files such as spreadsheets or downloaded as .XLSX or .CSV file.
  • P3 Users without an OpenAM License can now get accurate estimation results through GrabCAD Print. Learn more in our latest blog post here.

GrabCAD Print version 1.70, September 2022

Build number released on 21 September 2022

  • GrabCAD Print now supports Windows 11 operating systems. For the full system requirements, click here.
  • GrabCAD Print now supports files from the latest versions of CAD software, including Creo9, Inventor 2023, NX2206, and Parasolid 34.1.
  • GrabCAD Print now supports the Origin One and Origin One Dental printers. Once you log into your Origin account under File > Preferences > P3 DLP, you can set up and send jobs to your printers. Read more here.
  • For FDM projects, GrabCAD Print now keeps job settings when a Project is retrieved and the selected printer is not found. An issue where settings would have the default values for the printer applied has been solved.
  • The T14H hardened extrusion head is now supported on the Stratasys F370, F270, and F170 printers. With a life of 1500 hours, the head is the default selection for programming jobs using the ABS-CF10 material.
  • For dental PolyJet printers, assigning shade to gingiva is now allowed in multi-select. It is however limited to a single shell per assembly.
  • In both J850 Prime Fabrix and TechStyle, the valid thickness of the adhesive layer was increased to 3 mm.
  • PolyJet bug fixes:
    • In J850 Prime Fabrix and TechStyle, projects saved with a planned stop are opened without the planned stop.
    • On J5 DentaJet, validation fails when opening a valid project.
    • On J5 DentaJet in SHS mode, the total estimation of model & support materials is wrong.
  • The following commands have been added to the 3D Nest view for the H350 to enable the user to work exclusively in the 3D Nest view: Analysis mode, Units, Scale, Add models, Free drag in X, Y plane.
  • Creating an H350 build of multiple models, which contains some models that are too large to nest will no longer cause the entire nesting operation to fail. The models which do fit will be nested and a warning will be raised listing the models that are too large to fit.
  • For the H350, when creating a template label using the name or number automation the syntax is automatically checked, if incorrect it is highlighted in red, and a tooltip details the error.

GrabCAD Print version 1.69, August 2022

Build number released on 16 August 2022

  • Two new resins are now supported on J5MediJet™
    • Biocompatible Digital ABS Plus™ is designed to simulate standard ABS plastics by combining high-temperature resistance with toughness. The material significantly improves the mechanical performance of biocompatible parts for varied medical applications.
    • WSS™150 is a water-soluble support material for fast support removal. The material becomes soluble when placed in a vessel filled with regular tap water. Faster support removal capabilities can be reached by using a standard or countertop dishwasher.

      Learn more here.

  • When a J750/850 Digital Anatomy tray materials include RadioMatrix, it shall not be selected as the default material when the model is inserted.
  • When you have access to both the PolyJet Research Package and the 3DFashion printer, you will need to choose one to use for the current project, as some of the features are in conflict. 
  • In J7- and J8-Series printers, improved user experience for setting models with Agilus colored materials with flexible behavior. The relevant settings were moved from advanced options to the main settings section, and detailed tooltips were added to all setting options. 
  • The 1.67 update introduced the option for Connex3 printers to use the Advanced Slicer with a checkbox under File > Preferences > PolyJet, on by default. The Advanced Slicer is more strict about the graphics requirements, and some users were seeing an error regarding graphics drivers. There was a bug where, after turning off the Advanced Slicer preference, the error persisted and thus prevented any jobs from queueing. With the 1.69 update, this has been fixed, and unchecking the preference will clear the error. 
  • For H350, it is now possible to specify a height for the pack, either as the time (this is useful to prepare a job tailored for the time available in the shift) or as the height of the pack, whichever parameter the user inputs updated the other.
  • Estimate for the H350 now provides a build report, with summary and detail pages.  Summary lists: print time, total volume, models nested, models not nested, density, nest height and shrinkage. Detail lists: the individual parts, how many copies of each part and the volume of each part.

GrabCAD Print version 1.68, July 2022

Build number released on 19 July 2022

  • Multi-file 3MF, OBJ and VRML assemblies can all now be imported in the same way as STL using File > Import as Assembly.
  • The support material for ULTEM™ 9085 Resin is rebranded as SUP8500B support, and ULTEM™ 1010 Resin is rebranded as SUP9000B support.
  • For Labels (H350 only) the emboss height or deboss depth of the label text can now be specified.
  • For 3D Arrays (H350 only) multiple models can now be selected and an array of those models can be created.
  • For both J850 TechStyle and J850 Prime Fabrix, when connecting a printer, the tray type for the current job is automatically synchronized with the tray which is installed on the printer.
  • In J7-and J8-Series printers that have received and installed the Right UV Lamp Air Duct field change order, the Printer Settings dialog shall be extended with the statement "Updated Air Duct was Installed".
  • The ASR-620 DMs which are mixtures of MED620 & SUP711 are now available on J5 DentaJet in HQHS print mode.
  • Color Agilus materials are available in the Voxel Print app. 
  • Flex-Touch (both Smart and Full) shall be defined per model rather than a common Flex-Touch to all the models on the tray.

GrabCAD Print version 1.67, June 2022

Build number released on 22 June 2022

  • The Advanced PolyJet Slicer, previously available only for J-Series printers, is now supported for Connex3 printers. The Advanced Slicer introduces improved quality and additional capabilities, such as:
    • Gray scale with transparency B&W profiles
    • Thin area/corner handling
    • More accurate estimations and offset
    • Better Grid control

      If you need to replicate a previous print exactly, you can switch back to the legacy slicer using File > Preferences > PolyJet.

  • The FabriX™ Innovation Kit for the J850™ Prime allows you to expand your PolyJet™ prototyping and CMF capabilities into a new world of direct printing on textile and flexible substrates. Now you can test different designs for applications containing meshed materials, functional apparel prototypes and even filtration systems visualization.
  • Introducing RadioMatrix™, first of its kind Radiopaque 3D printing material available on the Digital Anatomy Printer. The new material enables 3D printed anatomical models with radiopacity characteristics in varying contrast that can appear in a CT or X-ray scan. RadioMatrix™ material settings have been added to the Digital Anatomy Printer software offering radiopaque 3D printed anatomical models with a desired Hounsfield value.
  • The new Netting-Fabric Insert feature allows users to plan a stop during the print for inserting media to be printed on during the job. Feature enabled on J850 TechStyle and J850 Prime FabriX systems.
  • Rigid Core for AgilusCMY models allows a “soft touch” rigid model to be printed once using Agilus colors profile. The result is a rigid model with a full-color thin texture (1 mm full-color Shore A 30) as the external soft surface.
  • CMYK input for AgilusCMY materials allows defining the specific desired color tone by CMYK numeric value Input for pure AgilusCMY materials.
  • With High-Quality High-Speed Mode on the J5 DentaJet, users can now print dental models, surgical guides, and other applications at the same quality, in half the time. High-Quality High-Speed Mode can be selected in GrabCAD Print once the proper material configuration is selected, and the Material Replacement Wizard is performed on the printer.
  • For the H350 it is now possible to create an assembly from multiple top-level models loaded in GrabCAD Print. The models are positioned in 3D space either using the 3D drag widget or the position tool and then made into an assembly which can then be nested.
  • The 3D Array tool for the H350 now supports assemblies as a source for the array.
  • It is now possible to use the pack height as a stop criteria for the 3D Nest tool for the H350. If the nesting process successfully packs all the selected models, it will then attempt to reduce the height of the pack until the specified height is reached.
  • The default value for Minimum model spacing in the 3D Nest command for the H350 is now 2mm, reduced from 3mm this means you can safely create a denser nest.

GrabCAD Print version 1.66, May 2022

Build number released on 17 May 2022

  • Introducing the newest members of the F123 Series, the Stratasys F370 CR and Stratasys F190 CR. These composite ready (CR) printers are designed for use with filled materials, including Stratasys’ newest FDM composite material, Nylon-CF10 and current material ABS-CF10. This makes it easier to produce strong workholding fixtures, tooling and parts in house, in a fraction of the time it takes using traditional fabrication technologies and materials. The printers support 8 engineering grade materials, and are programmed using GrabCAD Print’s intuitive interface and easy to use Advanced FDM Features. Learn more about F123 Composite Ready printers here.
  • The J850 TechStyle 3D printer is powered by 3DFashion™ technology and provides full-color, multi-material capabilities for designs that can be printed directly on textiles, leathers and garments as well as printing small fashion accessories delivering results that are not possible with traditional methods. Learn more here.
  • GrabCAD Print now supports the H350 SAF technology printer. Licensed users can print, non licensed users can explore the functionality to learn and evaluate its potential. Learn more here
  • You can now mirror a model in GrabCAD Print using the right-click menu. This feature supports: mirror of mesh and CAD parts for all print technologies, models with face colors, textures, models within assemblies, and entire assemblies. Currently this does not support mirroring of models with advanced FDM features and models with labels.
  • Nylon-CF10, a carbon reinforced nylon blend, is available for the Stratasys F370 CR and Stratasys F190 CR printers. The material includes 10% chopped carbon fiber by weight, resulting in 3D printed models that are stiffer and stronger with better chemical resistance than ABS-CF10. Nylon-CF10 is supported for 0.0070 inch (0.1778 mm), 0.0100 inch (0.2540 mm), and 0.0130 inch (0.3302 mm) slice heights, and requires a new hardened head (T20H) for printing. Learn more about Nylon-CF10 here.
  • A new hardened head (T14H) is available for printing ABS-CF10, with a print life of 1500 hours.The T14H head is optional; the T14 head may continue to be used with ABS-CF10, with a reduced head life.
  • The new Agilus30™ color resins (cyan, magenta and yellow) enable rubber or silicone textured product prototyping for full color, rubber-like parts, with high surface quality and flexibility levels that can withstand repeated flexing and bending. Learn more here.
  • The materials WSS (Water Soluble Support), VeroUltraClearS and VeroUltraClear can now be used in VoxelPrint.
  • For the H350, add embossed or debossed text to your model’s surface with the Labels tool. You can also create label templates which can be applied multiple times or automatically when duplicating parts, and these can automatically  include part names or generate serial numbers. 
  • For the H350, you can create a rectangular array in X, Y, Z. The array can be grouped to behave as a single object or created as individual models.

GrabCAD Print version 1.65, April 2022

Build number released on 21 April 2022

  • Introducing the J850 Digital Anatomy Printer. The J850 Digital Anatomy Printer brings medical models to life with incredible realism that accurately represents both the appearance and response of human tissue. These models provide unmatched clinical versatility, repeatability and accuracy for healthcare professionals and medical device companies. Read more here.
  • We’ve updated the supported file formats to include SOLIDWORKS 2022, Inventor 2022, and more. Click here to see the full list: List of supported file formats
  • Some users were experiencing network connectivity issues due to proxies or self-signed certificates. A new option in File > Preferences > Privacy allows certificates in the Windows Certificates Store to be trusted by GrabCAD Print, which should resolve many of these problems. The application will automatically set the preference if it detects these configurations.
  • Introducing the Digital Anatomy Creator, a new add-on software module for the Digital Anatomy printer. Using sophisticated mathematical functions, the Creator software provides users with unprecedented freedom to customize the internal structures of anatomical models. Create beyond existing anatomical presets and calibrate digital materials to meet your exact specifications. Easily manipulate material formation and customize internal microstructures to achieve a specific anatomical outcome. Learn more here.
  • New resins are now supported in Voxel Print on PolyJet systems: VeroUltraWhite and VeroUltraBlack on all supported printers, and DraftWhite on the J5 MediJet

GrabCAD Print version 1.64, March 2022

Build number released on 17 March 2022

  • Part quality for Diran 410MF07 is improved on the Stratasys F370 printer in the following ways:
    • For 0.0070 in (0.1778 mm) slice height, there is improved infill density for upward and downward pointing visible surfaces, and improved adhesion between the bottom surface of a part and top surface of the base. 
    • For 0.0130 in. (0.3302 mm) slice height, there is improved seam quality, vertical surfaces, and infill density.

      These improvements require that printer firmware be updated to release 2.4.

GrabCAD Print version 1.63, February 2022

Build number released on 16 February 2022

  • Introducing the Digital Anatomy Creator, a new add-on software module for the Digital Anatomy printer. Using sophisticated mathematical functions, the Creator software provides users with unprecedented freedom to customize the internal structures of anatomical models. Create beyond existing anatomical presets and calibrate digital materials to meet your exact specifications. Easily manipulate material formation and customize internal microstructures to achieve a specific anatomical outcome. Learn more here.
  • WSS™150 is a water-soluble support material for fast support removal on the J55 Prime and J35 Pro PolyJet systems. WSS150 becomes soluble when placed in a vessel filled with regular tap water. Faster support removal capabilities can be reached by using a standard or countertop dishwasher. In addition, L2S™ powder can be used to safely dispose of wastewater without the need to send for onward treatment, according to local regulations.
  • The Slice Preview panel has been updated:
    • Now displays the name, slice height, and tip used for model and support materials
    • The filters for feature display (Stabilizers, Anchors, Seams, Pauses) are reorganized
    • Controls for animation (Play Animation, Select Layer, and Head Moves) and Z pause (Add/Remove Z Pause, list of pauses) are grouped

      Access to the Model Settings panel is removed from Slice Preview as information about the material and slice height is now presented in the Slice Preview panel.

  • When using the Optimize for Packaging feature in J55 Prime or the J8 Prime, you can now finely tune your transparent color using CMYK input that supports VeroUltraClear - giving great transparency and saturation to any bottle or liquid.
  • The J5 DentaJet PolyJet printer now uses a new and improved set of parameters for faster, more accurate dental prints.
  • New resins are now supported in VoxelPrint on PolyJet systems:
    • VeroUltraWhite and VeroUltraBlack on all supported printers
    • DraftWhite on the J5 MediJet

GrabCAD Print version 1.62, January 2022

Build number released on 19 January 2022

  • The T16A model tip has been added for use with ULTEM™ 9085 and certified grade ULTEM™ 9085 CG model materials on the Fortus 450mc printer. It provides highly repeatable mechanical properties and improved quality compared to the standard T16 tip for use in applications which require part certification, including Aerospace Interiors. Layer thickness for the T16A model tip is 0.010 inch (0.2540 mm). To use the T16A model tip, the controller software for the Fortus 450mc must be updated to release 6.6.6906.
  • Slice height 0.0130 in (0.3302 mm) is now supported for ULTEM™ 9085 Black using the T20 model tip on the Fortus 450mc printer. The thicker slice enables faster part builds and increased throughput. The new slice height requires the controller software be updated to release 6.6.6906.
  • A few small bugs have been fixed along with other improvements.

GrabCAD Print version 1.61, December 2021

Build number released on 22 December 2021

  • With full-color PolyJet prints, “Body Appearance” is now the default core for textured bodies when changing colors with the color picker. This goes hand in hand with the recently released “Override Texture” option that is off by default - allowing you to change the color and transparency of a textured body with a simple, intuitive workflow.
  • When you are setting a delayed start time for a job on a J5-Series printer, a new time setting option is available, in addition to the existing start or end time. When a material will run out during the job, you can set a time you'd like to change the material canister, and the printer will start the job at the appropriate time.
  • For the Digital Anatomy Printer – New "Suturable vessel wall” presets offer improved performance and durability for blood vessel models intended for suturing.
  • An issue where Anchors and Stabilizers could not be created on the same model has been fixed.

GrabCAD Print version 1.60, November 2021

Build number released on 17 November 2021

  • You’ll notice a revised look on the right side of GrabCAD Print. Icons are slightly smaller and are fixed to the side of the window. More tools are being added all the time, so we reduced the footprint slightly to accommodate smaller screens.
  • PolyJet printers can now print models that include displacement (bump) maps. After enabling the feature in File > Preferences > GrabCAD Labs, bump maps that are included with Keyshot .3MF or standard .OBJ models will translate into the surface finish of the printed part. Previously, the bump maps needed to be written into the 3D mesh of the file, creating unnecessarily large files. Now the bump maps can be read directly. The height of the displacement can be adjusted in Model Settings or set 0 to disable. As with any Labs feature, your feedback is welcome.
  • A new mode is available for the J35 Pro called Material Utilization Mode. The new mode gives you the option to let the printer automatically decide the color mix to fully utilize the remaining materials. The printed part will look different from the visualization in GrabCAD Print, as any existing materials at the time of the print will determine the final color. This option is available on the “Print Summary” window.
  • Ability to keep texture while changing body colors. Previously, when applying a new color to a textured model, the texture was overridden. Now, the new color will update the body color of the part underneath the texture, with the option of overriding it. The selected “Base & Core Option” will override the color in case they do not match.
  • New optimization for printing a PolyJet job with many heavy models. When filling the tray with heavy models, use this feature to optimize them automatically. This feature automatically reduces model complexity without losing quality or model accuracy.
  • There was an issue with the latest NVIDIA graphics drivers that prevented estimation and printing of some PolyJet jobs, and this has been fixed.
  • An issue where Slice Preview displayed a model with a stabilizer in the same color as the stabilizer is fixed.

GrabCAD Print version 1.59, October 2021

Build number released on 25 October 2021

  • On the J55 Prime, when setting a material configuration where the only available colors are black and white, a new greyscale slider is available. In addition, when loading textures, they will use the B/W profile.
  • An issue where changes to a model’s Body Thickness were not saved when a project was saved is fixed.
  • An issue where body and face settings for a project were not saved when a model included a self-supporting hole is fixed.

GrabCAD Print version 1.58, September 2021

Build number released on 23 September 2021

  • “Keep Project Settings” allows projects for FDM printers to keep their settings when switching the project to a printer of the same type (e.g. Stratasys F370 to Stratasys F370). You can choose to keep the print current settings even if they don’t match the new printer, or to update the settings based on the new printer.
  • A bug with some full-color PolyJet prints where white core would be printed even when “Body Appearance” is selected has been fixed. Projects saved in 1.56 or 1.57 where the core setting was manually changed must be recreated.

GrabCAD Print version 1.57, August 2021

Build number released on 19 August 2021

  • Introducing the Stratasys® J55™ Prime, a groundbreaking update to the J55™. The J55 Prime 3D printer introduces full color, high fidelity with tactile, functional and sensory capabilities - making the efficiency and quality of PolyJet technology more affordable and office friendly than ever before. Including state-of-the-art print abilities with the combination of Rubber-like shore (Elastico™), High Impact (Digital ABS), Rigid Ultra Visual (VeroUltra™, DraftGrey), Translucent (VeroUltra™ClearS) and Bio-Compatible (Vero™ContactClear) materials. Create everything from quick design iterations to high quality final prototypes, all in a compact, quiet, and odorless process. See the new J55 Prime here.
  • Introducing the Stratasys® J35™ Pro. Based on the J55™ Prime rotating tray platform, the J35™ Pro is a Low cost PolyJet 3D printing solution suitable for shared office environment with multi-material capabilities for functional design & concept modeling. The new 3D printer includes state-of-the-art print abilities with the combination of Rubber-like shore (Elastico™), High Impact (Digital ABS), Rigid Ultra Visual (VeroUltra™, DraftGrey), Translucent (VeroUltra™ClearS) and Bio-Compatible (Vero™ContactClear) materials. Compact printer size enables easy installation in the office and with the ProAero filtration system the working environment is completely odor free. See the new J35 Pro here.
  • For the first time, we’ve done a mid-cycle update of Print’s CAD version support. The
  • Slice Preview now provides control over the display of Anchors and Stabilizers.
    • Anchors and Stabilizers display in their own color, making them easy to distinguish from the model and supports
    • Turn off display of Anchors and Stabilizers using options in the Display list, allowing for easier model inspection. 
    • The options for Anchor and Stabilizer display appear only if the job includes these features
    • Settings for Anchor and Stabilizer display are remembered for the next time Slice Preview is entered. 
    • Additionally, the color for Layer Highlight is now a transparent white, making it easier to understand which parts of a slice are model, supports, Anchors, and Stabilizers.
  • Two updates for the Digital Anatomy Printer:
    1. Print ultra-realistic Subcutaneous Fatty Tissue models with a total of 6 new presets utilizing a mixture of TissueMatrix and GelMatrix. Main model features that vary in softness are Contractile Subcutaneous Fat (very soft) and Highly contractile Subcutaneous Fat (softest) with the following coating options:
      • Stiff coated – Coated with 2mm of Agilus to create a more durable standalone model.  
      • Soft coated – Coated in 2mm of an Agilus and GelMatrix mixture to give the standalone sample a realistic soft, slimy look and feel.  
      • Non-encapsulated – Not coated to be used in applications where fatty tissue will be incorporated as part of an organ model. 
    2. GelMatrix Enhanced Capabilities provides more anatomy modeling options and requires simpler and shorter post-processing. Look for two new features in the Anatomy Model Setting menu:
      • Print various anatomies using the GelMatrix as support material 
      • Print using pure GelMatrix material without any other materials 

GrabCAD Print version 1.56, July 2021

Build number released on 20 July 2021

  • The PolyJet model settings panel now includes a section called Presets. There is already a section for Favorites which are only for color selection, but Presets include color as well as all the other model settings. Right click a part on the tray to save a Preset. Once the Preset is added, you can right-click on it and set as default. Models added to the tray afterwards will have the Preset applied.
  • New on the J8 series Prime: “Optimize for Packaging” gives a great appearance to packaging prototypes with a simple workflow. Using a first of its kind translation of transparency from RGB to the printed colors - users can now get more accurate transparencies for volumes such as liquids or a colored glass. In addition to this, an automatic white underprint is created behind the labels, making the graphics look great with high opacity. This option is available on full-color J8 printers using the Vero Vivid colors, UltraWhite+UltraBlack, and UltraClear, and for 3MF files from Keyshot. (Please contact to enable this feature.)
  • Anchor feature improvements:
    • To simplify creating and editing Anchors between the model and the tray (the most frequent use case) the Model View is automatically set to the Bottom View when the Anchor pane is opened.
    • The tray switches to a thin preview when Anchors are being edited and the Model View is Front, Back, Left, or Right, making it easier to inspect the preview geometry of the Anchors in a set. When the Anchors pane is closed, the thicker tray view is restored.
  • The T20F model tip has been added for Antero 800NA on the Stratasys F900 and Fortus 450mc platforms, and for Antero 840CN03 on the F900 platform. The T20F model tip provides up to 20% improved mechanical performance over the current T20D model tip with equivalent part quality and accuracy. To use the T20F model tip, select 0.0100 in | T20F (0.2540 mm | T20F) in the Slice Height drop down menu after selecting your supported material. 
  • Firmware version 4.11.0 is available for Stratasys F900 and Fortus 900mc printers. This update is not available using the standard downloaded upgrade (.upg) file. Please contact a service representative or Stratasys Customer Support for information regarding this important update.

GrabCAD Print version 1.55, June 2021

Build number released on 16 June 2021

  • SpaceMouse 3D mouse is now supported for view manipulation in GrabCAD Print. Check out a tutorial about that here.
  • For short, wide models that may curl as they cool, the Anchor feature allows you to secure the model to the build tray during printing. The Anchor feature is a column made of model material that secures horizontal, bottom facing surfaces of a model to the build tray. Anchors may be cylinders or cones, created individually or in sets that share a style and diameter(s). Click here to learn more about configuring Anchors. (Supported for the Stratasys F770, F370, F270, F170, F900 and Fortus series printers.)
  • Stabilizers now require you to select a reference curve before generating. This prevents a stabilizer from getting instantly created when the panel is first opened, and allows you to adjust settings before generating the stabilizer.
  • Introducing the J5 MediJet™, the all new all-in-one medical printer designed for anatomical models, surgical guides, and medical tooling using sterilizable and biocompatible materials. The J5 MediJet is setting a new standard for medical 3D printing applications. With multiple materials and multicolor capabilities, you can create brilliantly vivid anatomical models, drilling and cutting guides and medical tools that are sterilizable and biocompatible - all on a certified system. Plus, it’s economical and compact enough for small lab spaces. Learn more here.
  • A new tool on the right-hand menu for PolyJet printers allows you to set the exact position on the tray using the units defined in Preferences.
  • Heads up: In the next release, Advanced Color Halftoning on full-color J-Series printers will be checked by default for new trays when using VeroPureWhite with full color.

GrabCAD Print version 1.54, May 2021

Build number released on 18 May 2021

  • The Stratasys F770™ 3D printer features the longest fully heated build chamber on the market – 46 inches on the diagonal. The spacious build envelope is more than 13 cubic feet (372 liters), opening up new opportunities for manufacturing, prototyping and production part applications that are simply unavailable with smaller printers.  Learn more about the Stratasys F770 here.
  • For tall, thin models that don’t require much traditional support, the new Stabilizer feature allows you to add scaffolding for the model as it builds. The Stabilizer is a tall support structure that attaches to the side of the model at regular intervals, providing extra support and minimizing vibrations. Click here to learn more about configuring Stabilizers. (Supported for the Stratasys F770, F370, F270, F170, F900 and Fortus series printers.)
  • An issue where the “Use Variable Width Fill” checkbox was disabled for F123 Series printers has been fixed.
  • For capping surfaces of an FDM model, these toolpath issues have been fixed: 
    • Small capping surfaces no longer receive twice the raster infill they require. 
    • Small holes in capping surfaces are no longer ignored.
  • The GrabCAD Labs feature introduced in 1.48 allowing you to assign different PolyJet finishes (matte or glossy) to components of an assembly has been released. It is no longer an option and is always available.

GrabCAD Print version 1.53, April 2021

Build number released on 20 April 2021

  • When Slice Preview is selected, the default value for layer range is now “All Layers.” Changes to Layer Range will be remembered for the next time Slice Preview is selected.
  • These new opaque materials allow printing thin, realistic plastic models, offer increased high-accuracy color gamut, sharp text for printing packaging labels, and smooth, high-resolution skin tones.

GrabCAD Print version 1.52, March 2021

Build number released on 16 March 2021

Click here for a video about the 1.52 update.

  • Carbon Fiber reinforced ABS is available on the Stratasys F370, Stratasys F270, and Stratasys F170 printers. Stratasys ABS-CF10 combines standard ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) material with 10% chopped carbon fiber by weight. The result is a low moisture-sensitive FDM® thermoplastic over 50% stiffer and 15% stronger than standard ABS 3D printing material. Typical applications include manufacturing tools, jigs, fixtures and end effectors that benefit from the combination of increased stiffness and reduced weight. ABS-CF10 is supported for 0.0070 inch (0.1778 mm), 0.0100 inch (0.2540 mm), and 0.0130 inch (0.3302 mm) slice heights. Learn more about the new ABS-CF10 material here.
  • Introducing the J5 DentaJet™. Based on the J55 platform, the J5 DentaJet 3D printer is the newest addition to our multi-material line of dental 3D printers, enabling technicians to load mixed trays of dental parts. The new 3D printer can produce at least five times more dental parts on a single mixed tray than competitive 3D printers, yet its compact footprint consumes only 4.6 sq. ft (.43m2) of floor space. See the new J5 DentaJet here.
  • The base layers and interface layers between support structures and models made of Antero 840CN03 are improved, increasing the quality of downward-facing model surfaces. Support structures are also changed to increase their stability.
  • For Diran 410MF07, slice height 0.0010 in (0.2540 mm), the minimum body thickness is lowered to 0.0200 inch (0.5080 mm) for solid infill, the default self-supporting angle has been reduced to 45 degrees, and other print settings are updated to improve the overall print quality of models.
  • New Liver anatomy is now available on the Digital anatomy printer. 4 new pre-sets of liver anatomies with different compression values, all validated with data available on a full Bio-Mechanical report. Variation from highly Contractile to moderately stiff with a varying coating layer. More data on the test performed is available here.

GrabCAD Print version 1.51, February 2021

Build number released on 22 February 2021

Click here for a video about the 1.51 update.

  • You can now print files from the latest versions of most CAD packages, including SOLIDWORKS 2021, Inventor 2021, and Creo 7. See here for the complete list of supported files.GrabCAD Print version 1.50, January 2021
  • Introducing the J850 Pro, a 7-material PolyJet printer built specifically for rapid prototyping. The J850 Pro has the same build volume and material capacity as the J850 Prime — formerly known as the J850 — but where the J850 Prime excels in CMF prototyping, the J850 Pro is built for speed and performance with Digital ABS, Agilus flexible materials, DraftGrey, and Super High Speed mode. See the new J8-Series lineup here.
  • A new print summary window will conveniently pull together settings, estimates, delayed start options, and any warnings or notifications you need to see when you hit “Print” for a PolyJet job.
  • When models are repaired in analysis mode, any bodies that have zero volume, such as sheet bodies and noise shells, will be automatically hidden, as these bodies cannot be interpreted and can cause estimation or printing errors.
  • The graphic representation of CMB files in the tray view is improved. The CMB display provides greater detail about the actual shape of the model. Pockets that were previously ignored are now identified and shown. With the improved CMB display, a User does not have to enter Slice Preview to understand the model that results from a CMB print.
  • The menu bars and menus in GrabCAD Print may change color to follow those set in your Windows theme.

GrabCAD Print version 1.50, January 2021

Build number released on 19 January 2021

  • When an update for GrabCAD Print is available, a preference (introduced in version 1.22) determines whether the update will install automatically the next time the app is launched. It was on by default, but now everyone will have this preference turned off. Future updates will only install when you click the Update Now button, and if you wish, you can opt back into automatic updates in File > Preferences > Updates.
  • Clash detection on model load can now detect and warn you of situations where models overlap. For PolyJet printing, this will help you determine where you may need to change part priority. Note: Clash detection is off by default, and is enabled in Preferences > Model insert settings > Detect clashes within assemblies automatically
  • When you insert an assembly with a flat structure on a J-Series printer, the default priority is now visible in the file list right away. Previously, you needed to make a change to the part priority in order to see it.
  • When using Black + White on the J series printers, you will now have a grayscale slider that works with the B/W color profile - replacing the existing full-color color picker.
  • DraftGrey, which was previously exclusive to the new V5 version of the Objet30 printer, is now available on V3 printers (listed as VeroGrey). Click here to learn more. Additionally, this update enables High Quality mode with Vero materials. 
  • In the 1.49 release, some Connex printers were incorrectly reporting an incorrect graphics driver version. This has been fixed with the 1.50 release

GrabCAD Print version 1.49, December 2020

Build number released on 16 December 2020

  • J4100 upgrade kit is available for the Objet1000 printer. The kit enhances the Objet1000 printer capabilities with new print heads technology and the most advanced material offerings. New print heads bring an additional model channel (3) to increase throughput and productivity by up to 90%. Material offering now includes Agilus family, UltraClear, and VeroPureWhite. The J4100 makes it possible now to print flexible materials over digital ABS (over-molding).
  • Some J-series users were hitting an issue where they were unable to print to their J-Series printers because jobs would get stuck in processing. This was caused by outdated graphics drivers on the Printer PC, but GCP was failing to detect the issue. This has been fixed, and if you are in this situation, you will now see a message pointing you to the link to update the drivers.
  • CMB related software fixes
    • Restored the option to include/exclude the purge part/sacrificial tower in CMB export.
    • Restored the ability to include an additional sacrificial tower on a tray which contains a CMB.

GrabCAD Print version 1.48, November 2020

Build number released on 17 November 2020

Click here for a video about the 1.48 update.

  • GrabCAD Print now supports the Objet30 desktop printers. In addition to the existing Objet30 V3 printers (known as the Objet30, Objet30 Pro, or Objet30 Prime), a new generation is being launched: the Objet30 V5 Pro and Prime. The V5 models are single-color, easy-to-use printers with a small footprint and unbeatable printing quality. They offer 3 printing modes and a variety of 13 model materials including DraftGrey, and flexible and biocompatible materials (Prime only). To use GrabCAD Print with your Objet30, you will need to follow this guide: Setting up your PolyJet printers for GrabCAD Print

    The Base Style option is now available in the Support Settings panel for FDM printers

    • Model and Supports: Bases are added beneath model and support footprints. When bases overlap they merge into a common base. When bases form closed loops, the loop is filled, creating a large, stable base.
    • Model only: Bases are only added beneath the model footprint. Supports extend to the tray, and loops are not filled.
  • A new option in File > Preferences > GrabCAD Labs allows you to mix finishes between matte and glossy on bodies in assemblies for PolyJet printers.
  • A new printing mode, Super High Speed, is now available in J826 printers. This new mode offers double the throughput of High Speed Mode, and is practical for many applications, such as printing rapid concept models.
  • For jobs using ASA model material with the T40 extrusion tip (0.0200 inch, 0.5080 mm slice height) on Stratasys F900 and Fortus 900mc modelers using either SR30 or SR35 support materials, the build properties of the base layers below the part first layer to improve the quality of the part first layer and to prevent delamination. 
  • For jobs on the Stratasys F900 with ASA model material using the T40 model tip (0.0200 inch, 0.5080 mm slice height), the accuracy of the time and volume estimation has been improved. This change is intended for use with the new 4.10.0 system firmware. Note that this firmware update will not be available through the standard downloaded upgrade (.upg) file. Please contact a service representative or Stratasys Customer Support for information regarding this important system software update.

GrabCAD Print version 1.47, October 2020

Build number released on 20 October 2020

Click here for a video about the 1.47 update.

  • The appearance and surface density of upward facing surfaces is improved for ABS and ASA when using 0.0100 inch (0.2540 mm) slice height on the Stratasys F370 printer.
  • Improved remnant fill by better detection of short thin regions for filling with variable width remnant toolpaths.
  • It is now possible to select models with different display simplification states and globally set all the selected to models either to Full resolution or Simplified.
  • Textures set to transparent in SolidWorks are now imported correctly into GrabCAD Print with the correct transparency.
  • UltraclearS simulates acrylic, achieving 95% light transmission of that material, and is useful for prototypes of glass, clear polymers, or transparent packaging. VeroUltraClear improves upon the past performance of VeroClear with a higher level of clarity, transparency and a lower yellow index.
  • The support core option is now also available in the J55 printer as well. Support core (previously known as ‘Hollow’) enables you to print the core out of the support material. Before using the option, please turn it on in Preferences > GrabCAD Labs.
  • Bone Sectioning for the Digital Anatomy Printer enables you to dissect a bone model into sections in order to mimic fractures or to remove parts on the tray that are irrelevant to the application.
  • The color and texture profile options that were previously inside the “Change Materials” window have been moved to the Advanced section in the Tray Settings tool panel.

GrabCAD Print version 1.46, September 2020

Build number released on 15 September 2020

Build number released on 18 September 2020

Click here for a video about the 1.46 update.

  • The “Hollow” setting which was previously a checkbox in the PolyJet Model Settings is now available as the “Support” option under Base & Core Options. Additionally, the “Mixed Core” preference released in version 1.42 is now on by default.
  • New features for Digital Anatomy Printer
    • Bone preview — Enables a slice-by-slice preview of the inner structure of a bone to validate that the structure corresponds with your intention.
    • Open/Close ends — Create a “window” into the inner structure of a bone. You can mark a flat cross-section of a bone, and then choose to coat it with a clear material or leave it as is, i.e exposed to the open air.
  • Support for 3MF files, which was introduced as a Labs feature in version 1.40, is now generally available.
  • SOLIDWORKS files with textures with transparent backgrounds will now load in GrabCAD Print correctly, showing the underlying appearance through the transparent background.
  • Antero™ 840CN03 is now supported on the Fortus 450mc. Antero 840CN03 is a blend of the Stratasys® Antero 800NA model material that has electrostatic discharge (ESD) properties and is compatible for use in manufacturing applications that contact-sensitive electronic parts and components. One slice height is available for Antero 840CN03: 0.010 inch (0.2540 mm). For information about this material please read here.

GrabCAD Print version 1.45, August 2020

Build number released on 25 August 2020 

Click here for a video about the 1.45 update.

  • PolyJet Print Mode can be selected in advance when preparing print jobs. Only features and settings available for the selected Print Mode are displayed, making job preparation easier. Based on your selected Print Mode non-available features and setting will still be disabled with an explanation for the reason it is not available.
  • Introducing the Adaptive Slice style for FDM! The Adaptive Slice Style uses the selected height for features that require more detail (like domes, fillets, and chamfers) and a thicker slice height where detail is not needed. The result is a faster print (depending on geometry and slice height, up to 24% faster). Slice Style is a new option that sets how a model will be sliced. Read more here.
  • The preference for Display Settings > Graphics Quality now controls the level of simplification that is applied to the models that are used for graphical display. Note: the model that is printed remains full resolution. There is a right-click menu option Graphics Resolution which can toggle the display of the selected models between Simplified and Full Resolution display.
  • There is now a preference which applies to all file types to choose the load status of assemblies, either assembled or disassembled.

GrabCAD Print version 1.44, July 2020

Build number released on 22 July 2020 

Click here for a video about the 1.44 update.

  • Core/Base assignments can be customized to provide the best match for a model's design.
  • The auto-arrange feature for J720 printers offers improved nesting of parts, making production more efficient.
  • GrabCAD Print Server older than version 2.0 will no longer be able to connect to the GrabCAD Cloud starting from July 21st. In order to continue to connect to your printers via your GrabCAD Print Server, please manually uninstall the old version and install Print Server 2.0. You can download the latest version here.
  • GrabCAD Print Server 2.0 will only be supported on Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) and Windows Server 2016 and newer. Instances running on older versions of Windows that do not receive mainstream support from Microsoft will not be auto-updated nor be able to connect to the GrabCAD Cloud starting from July 21st. You will need to upgrade the OS on your Print Server instance or install Print Server on a machine with a supported OS.
  • GrabCAD Print is moving to a system-wide (per-machine) installation. If this affects you, you will be notified when an update is available and migration will (usually) not require any effort on your part. After v1.47, you will need to migrate to our per-machine installation to continue receiving updates.
  • GrabCAD Print now allows you to send diagnostic files from your printer to your Stratasys support contact. In the case of hardware, material, other printer or even software issues, you can now go to Help -> Get Printer Support, where you can add details regarding the issue. GrabCAD Print will then generate an email template along with all the details and relevant files, which you can send to the email address provided to you at the time of sale.
  • 3MF files with a deep (multi-level) assembly structure will now show the entire tree structure in the Project panel.

GrabCAD Print version 1.43, June 2020

Build number released on 17 June 2020 

Click here for a video about the 1.43 update.

  • Now that Advanced FDM features are available in GrabCAD Print, the creation of Advanced FDM Projects is no longer required. The option “Enable Advanced FDM” has been removed from the Preferences menu, and the action to create a new Advanced FDM Project is removed from the left-hand toolbar.
  • As part of the move of Advanced FDM functionality into core GrabCAD Print, projects that were created in Advanced FDM will open in GrabCAD Print, with each model on a separate tray. Groups are maintained, as are body settings, face settings, tray properties, orientation, and manufacturing notes.
  • The algorithm that translates VRML, OBJ, and 3MF files into printable objects has been rewritten in order to prevent slicing failures.
  • If you select the body of a VRML that has a solid color, the color picker will now display the color directly, and allow you to make slight adjustments.
  • Two new features for the Digital Anatomy Printer
    • The Long Bone Axis Tool enables a user to define the proximal and distal regions of a long bone. This enables the printing of parts with varying density to approximate the structure of long bones.
    • Multiple orthopedic procedures require drilling holes and inserting screws into printed models. On some occasions, this may lead to undesired cracking. To prevent this, the Strain Relief Tool allows you to set a perimeter designed to contain any cracking thus preventing wider cracking in the printed part.
  • Introducing the Stratasys J55. Create without compromise every step of the way. From fast concept models to quality high-fidelity models, the office-friendly J55 3D printer is an affordable option for maximum designer output. Learn more here.

GrabCAD Print version 1.42, May 2020

Build number released on 20 May 2020 

Click here for a video about the 1.42 update.

  • Position and orient your models more easily using the new manipulator. Click the rightmost button in the view control strip to enable it, and then selected models will show arrows which you can click-and-drag to move and rotate your selection freely or along a precise axis.
  • For FDM printers, the spacing between models on a tray may now be adjusted from a minimum of 0.2500 inches (6.35 mm) to a maximum of 2.0000 inches (50.8 mm) with a slider in the Arrange tool panel. This will allow you to pack models more tightly on the tray, or keep them spaced farther apart for improved airflow.
  • The new CMYKW and CMYW color profiles that were added in 1.41 are now the default color profiles when CMYKW and CMYW vivid materials are loaded to the printer. The profile name is X-Rite i1Profiler CMYKW or CMYK.
  • Previously, the core of a PolyJet part was printed with alternating layers of black and white material, but a new “Mixed Core” preference in File > Preferences > PolyJet allows the core to be printed with a mixture of all available materials. This significantly reduces the probability of nozzle clogging issues, because each print head will be used more frequently, but requires each loaded material cartridge to have sufficient material in order to complete the job.

GrabCAD Print version 1.41, April 2020

Build number released on 27 April 2020 

Click here for a video about the 1.41 update.

  • The latest versions of CAD packages are now supported in GrabCAD Print. This includes SOLIDWORKS 2020, Inventor 2020, Creo 6.0, and more. Read the complete list here.
  • You can now change the material used in the support-grid of J-Series prints to save your more commonly used materials. All the support structures on the Tray will be printed with the selected materials. The material selection can be done in Tray settings > Advanced > Material used to strengthen support.
  • In an effort to bring in more Advanced FDM functionality into Print, you can now apply different material settings to bodies within Groups. By right-clicking on the Group, you can toggle between:
    • Separate bodies — Bodies and faces may have settings applied independently of other bodies and faces. This is similar to how Advanced FDM works.
    • Combined bodies — All bodies in the Group act as a single body, with one body setting applying to the whole Group, and inner boundaries removed. This is similar to how assemblies normally work when you choose “Assembled” without creating a Group.
  • When an assembled group has “Separate bodies” selected, surface thickness, seam placement and inserts are available in the Model Settings panel, under the Face tab. Previously this functionality was only available in Advanced FDM.
  • Small features needing support on FDM prints generate support that grows wider underneath the feature. This can now be controlled by the Grow Supports setting, which allows you to change from the default of “Grow small supports only” to “Do not grow supports” or “Grow all supports.” Turning off support growth may be useful in reducing material usage and print time for some parts.
  • New Vivid 2.0 color profiles have been added to GrabCAD Print, which offers improved color rendering. The default color profiles have not changed and remain Vivid 1.1.
  • SOLIDWORKS assemblies with face colors can now be loaded directly into GrabCAD print without the additional step of saving them as a multi-body part.
  • For FDM printers, 3MF files with assembly structure will now load with their structure.
  • When you change an FDM setting on a slider, a black diamond will indicate the default value. Clicking it restores the default value.
  • With this release of GrabCAD Print, you can easily open files from Orders in GrabCAD Shop onto your Tray in GrabCAD Print. This saves time, avoids downloading CAD files from emails or other request management software, and helps efficiently plan your Trays. If you haven’t done so already, sign up for GrabCAD Shop here.
  • An "Add by IP" input box has been added to GrabCAD Print Server to easily connect to printers where automatic discovery is not available.

GrabCAD Print version 1.40, March 2020

Build number released on 24 March 2020 

Click here for a video about the 1.40 update.

  • SOLIDWORKS part files, including multi-body files, will now include color data applied at the face-level for PolyJet printing. Previously, only colors applied at the body level were included in GrabCAD Print.
  • Test how colors will appear in the printed model on your PolyJet printer by creating a swatch of user-selected colors. Access the Color Swatch tool by going to Apps > Color Swatch Tool.
  • GrabCAD Print now enables users to print larger PolyJet trays by optimizing the GPU memory consumption of your computer. The feature can be enabled in Preferences > PolyJet > Heavy tray optimization.
  • The Advanced Slicer is now the only available slicer for the Stratasys J750 and Stratasys J735. The legacy slicer is no longer available for these printers. There is no change to other PolyJet printers.
  • When sending a job from standalone Insight to GrabCAD Print, the standalone version must be the same version or later than the Insight version available with GrabCAD Print or the job will not be sent.
  • We've upgraded GrabCAD Print’s core component to the latest version available. This not only fixes some outstanding issues, such as loading files from a OneDrive folder, it also improves overall performance and startup time.
  • GrabCAD Print can now import 3MF files from many CAD tools, in the case of SOLIDWORKS created 3MF files, this includes: face color, body-color, and textures. For PolyJet printers assemblies will have a flat structure and for FDM printers there will be no assembly structure.
  • FDM-specific Improvements
    • To provide better overall part quality when using TPU 92A on the Stratasys F370 printer, the width range for variable width remnant fill has been reduced.
    • The angle for self-supporting holes has been increased to 55 degrees to accommodate the self-supporting angle for material Diran 410mf07.
    • Resolved an issue where incomplete support might be generated for some models and orientations.
  • The default name assigned to a Group, introduced in GrabCAD Print 1.36, can now be renamed to one more logical to the user.

GrabCAD Print version 1.39, February 2020

Build number released on 18 February 2020 

Click here for a video about the 1.39 update.

  • The new PolyJet Model Settings panel offers an improved design and user workflows, the ability to save material and color favorites and to create your own colors and digital materials using the new CMYK Input feature. Learn more here.
  • When creating a Group from an assembly that has scale or orientation applied, the newly created group will inherit these properties from the assembly.
  • You can now delete a disconnected printer from your printer list. Simply right-click the printer you want to remove and select "delete printer".
  • There is now a more clear and intuitive visualization of the waste container status for PolyJet printers located in the materials panel.
  • Heads up About the Advanced PolyJet Slicer: In the March update, GrabCAD Print version 1.40, the option to disable the Advanced PolyJet Slicer for J750 and J735 will no longer be available.

GrabCAD Print version 1.38, January 2020

Build number released on 28 January 2020 

Click here for a video about the 1.38 update.

  • If you have PolyJet printers, you can try out the new model settings panel, which has improved design and the ability to save favorites. Go to File > Preferences > PolyJet and select the checkbox to use the new PolyJet Model Settings panel.
  • The new VeroUltraClear material, introduced for the J850 and J835 in 1.36, is now available on the J750 and J735. VeroUltraClear simulates acrylic, achieving 95% light transmission of that material, and is useful for prototypes of glass, clear polymers, or transparent packaging. Learn more about VeroUltraClear material here.
  • You can override VRML/OBJ parts with a new color and material assignment from the Model Settings panel, and restore back to original if necessary, with a new right-click menu option on the selected VRML/OBJ bodies.
  • The default state of the VRML/OBJ structure preference has been changed from off to on.
  • The infill patterns for Diran 410MF07 on Advanced FDM now include single dense, double dense, and solid. Additionally, the first layer material has been changed from support to model material to improve tray adhesion.
  • An issue that caused incorrect model names for Stratasys printers to be displayed in the Schedule View has been resolved.
  • Heads up About the Advanced PolyJet Slicer: In the March update, GrabCAD Print version 1.40, the option to disable the Advanced PolyJet Slicer for J750 and J735 will no longer be available.

GrabCAD Print version 1.37, December 2019

Build number released on 18 December 2019 

Click here for a video about the 1.37 update.

  • The delayed start feature for PolyJet printers that was introduced in version 1.20 is now supported by the Advanced PolyJet Slicer. NOTE: The printer needs to be in "idle" state for the selection to be available.
  • A new PolyJet print setting for post-processing allows you to add a thin layer of transparent material for polishing. Polishing the transparent layer results in a model with a smooth surface and high fidelity colors and textures.
  • It is now possible to preview and create a PDF traveler document containing the manufacturing notes and screenshots of the models for the currently active tray.

GrabCAD Print version 1.36, November 2019

Build number released on 20 November 2019 

Click here for a video about the 1.36 update.

  • The new J750™ Digital Anatomy™ 3D Printer is now supported, which comes pre-programmed with a series of anatomical applications developed in partnership with medical device manufacturers, world-class research institutions, hospitals, and medical personnel. Accurate, realistic and functional, you can achieve the feel, behavior, and dimensions of the real thing. Learn more about the J750 Digital Anatomy 3D Printer here.
  • The new J850 and J835 are now supported. Design and creativity have no limits. Now, with the Stratasys J850/J835, the same is true for prototypes. Our tried and tested technology simplifies the entire design process, streamlining workflows so you can spend more time on what matters –creating, refining and designing the best product possible. Learn more about the Stratasys J850 here.
  • Selected models can now be grouped via a new button at the top of the Project Panel or a right mouse button command. When a new group is created this will collapse and hide the existing assembly. The new group can be set to assembled or disassembled. Additional groups may be created from the original assembly.
  • There is a new option in the PolyJet Advanced Slicer settings for showing assembly structure for VRML and OBJ files. With this option enabled, GrabCAD Print determines the geometric structure of VRML or OBJ files and displays the structure as an assembly of bodies in the project panel. Each body may be multi-colored (i.e. textured, vertex-colored, face-colored or composed of multiple different-colored sheets) or single-colored (i.e. all sheets in the body share a single diffuse color). The user can change material assignments for any single-colored body within such an assembly.
  • When importing a SOLIDWORKS file (.sldprt or .sldasm), transparency attributes attached to SOLIDWORKS bodies are converted automatically to alpha values in the PolyJet materials panel if a transparent material is loaded.
  • Material licenses for Stratasys and Fortus printers that require licenses may be updated from GrabCAD Print. Updating a material license requires a user to have local administrator privileges.
  • The Project Panel has been restyled to improve usability. Changes include redesigned icons, better alignment, clearer selection highlighting, pulldown instead of checkbox for assembled/disassembled state, and a clearer indication of show/hide state.
  • Tangent selection of faces is now available as a right mouse button command when Print is in Face selection mode. This can be useful when adding manufacturing notes to a chain of surfaces.
  • Bodies and faces can have annotations added to them, known as Manufacturing Notes. The command to add a note is available on the right mouse button, this adds a callout which can be activated by clicking to show the note and allow it to be edited.
  • New VeroUltraClear Material for the Stratasys J850 and Stratasys J835 3D Printers. VeroUltraClear simulates acrylic, achieving 95% light transmission of that material, and is useful for prototypes of glass, clear polymers, or transparent packaging. Learn more about VeroUltraClear material here.
  • ABS ESD7 is now supported on the Stratasys F370 printer for GrabCAD Print. ABS ESD7 is a tooling material designed for static sensitive applications, to prevent discharge or attraction to other materials like powders, dust, or fine particles. Learn more about ABS ESD7 material here.

GrabCAD Print version 1.35, October 2019

Build number released on 24 October 2019 

Click here for a video about the 1.35 update.

  • We’ve improved the behavior of both the Print button and the printer list when a Job Manager update is required for your PolyJet Printer. The print button will show a pop-up, and when clicking on the printer list, you will be taken directly to the Settings screen where you can perform the upgrade.
  • A checkbox has been added under the Advanced section of Tray Settings to control the UV lamps for J-series printers. If you are having overexposure issues in your prints, speak to your reseller or Stratasys technical support to see if this setting may help.
  • When printing with Pantone colors on your J-series printer, only some of the colors require VeroBlackPlus. Previously, the entire Pantone color picker would be disabled if you did not have it loaded, and now only the specific colors are disabled. Pantone still requires all three Vivid Vero materials and VeroPureWhite.
  • Model loading is now a cancelable action. Previously, if you made a mistake and selected the wrong file, you would have to wait for it to load before you could remove it, and now you can cancel right away.
  • When you apply settings to a specific face in Advanced FDM, you can now remove them via the right-click menu. Previously, you had to use Undo to revert face settings.
  • Support for new FDM materials:
    • Antero 840CN03 is now supported on the Stratasys F900 Printer for GrabCAD Print. Learn more about the new Antero 840CN03 material here.
    • Diran 410MF07 is now supported on the Stratasys F370 printer for GrabCAD Print. Diran is the ideal material for tooling applications. Learn more about the new Diran 410MF07 material here.
  • TPU 92A now supports 0.0070 inch (0.1778 mm) slice on the Stratasys F370 printer. Print quality is improved for the 0.0070 slice and the 0.0100 inch (0.2540 mm) slice. F123 Controller Software must be upgraded to version 2.1 to take advantage of these improvements.
  • Deleting Printer History now requires a user to have local administrator privileges.

GrabCAD Print version 1.34, September 2019

Build number released on 19 September 2019 

Click here for a video about the 1.34 update.

  • The PolyJet Advanced Slicer, introduced as an option in 1.31, is now on by default. It has improved accuracy in estimations and enables a few features which are listed here. It can be turned off from Preferences > PolyJet if you need to use the old slicer for any reason.
  • You can now access GrabCAD Tutorials and Example files in the Help Menu of GrabCAD Print related to your selected printer. Our application engineers are constantly adding new content to help you better utilize your machines; the content will be available via the Help Menu.
  • Using the toggle in the view bar labeled “Preview Supported Surfaces” you can quickly see where supports will be generated on your models. This feature was introduced for PolyJet printers in 1.24 and is now available for FDM printers too. This provides a faster alternative to FDM Slice Preview to aid in preparing your tray, as it shows how orientation and support settings (such as self-supporting angle) will affect the surface of your print.
  • When you are viewing a PolyJet job in progress in Schedule View or in the GrabCAD Print mobile app, the predicted “End Time” now has greatly improved accuracy. The prediction will be regularly updated throughout the job to account for Print pauses and other errors in the initial estimation.
  • Checking the slice delay option in the PolyJet tray settings panel will reduce the occurrence of depressions on the model. The option should be used only after talking to Stratays’s technical support. Using the option will increase the job's printing time.
  • The list of materials shown in the Tray Settings panel for PolyJet printers now includes the support material.
  • GrabCAD Print will now notify you about updates for select printers like the F123 series and J750. These may include information on new materials, learning content and others. When one of these printers is selected and an update is available, you will see a gift box in the bottom left of your screen.

GrabCAD Print version 1.33, August 2019

Build number released on 20 August 2019 

Click here for a video about the 1.33 update.

  • On printers that are supported by Advanced FDM, some advanced features are now available in the Model Settings tab. These include infill density, infill angle and body thickness, and when CAD files are used, the ability to change a cylindrical hole into a self-supporting diamond.
  • Similar to the change made for the FDM settings panel in the last update, the PolyJet settings panel is now split into tray settings and model settings to allow space for more functionality in future updates.
  • You may now choose to export a CMB without the purge part or sacrificial tower. This allows you to prevent multiple purge parts from being printed when printing multiple CMB files in a job. By default purge part/sacrificial tower is included.
  • For Stratasys F900, Fortus 900mc, and Fortus 400mc printer templates, ABS is now the default material. For live printers, the material will continue to use the current configuration as default.
  • Heads up for J750 and J735 users: The Advanced Slicer, introduced in 1.31, will be *ON* by default in next months upgrade, version 1.34. 

GrabCAD Print version 1.32, July 2019

Build number released on 22 July 2019 

Click here for a video about the 1.32 update.

  • The Print Settings panel for FDM print prep has been split into 3 panels: Tray Settings, Model Settings, and Support Settings. New icons have been added as well.
  • Analysis Mode can now repair VRML and OBJ files with vertex colors, and the repair of files with face colors and textures has been improved.
  • J750 and J735 users can now print opaque models with Vivid materials and the Advanced Slicer. Uncheck the "Translucent" checkbox in the Print Settings panel to print bodies with a white core. This currently only works for untextured mesh files/assemblies.
  • An issue for some Fortus and F123 jobs was causing some strange behavior for the purge part / sacrificial tower, leading to build failures. This has been resolved.
  • When Agilus 30 Clear is selected, your model displays at the transparency level associated with the Shore A value you set.

GrabCAD Print version 1.31, June 2019

Build number 1.31.52720.53058 released on 20 June 2019 

Click here for a video about the 1.31 update.

  • Advanced FDM, which was introduced in 1.24 for the F900, F370, and Fortus printers, is now available for the F170 and F270. Advanced FDM allows you to customize infill in different sections of the model using the actual CAD geometry, as well as modify hole geometry for printability. Read more here.
  • The Advanced Slicer, available now in File > Preferences > Polyjet, brings J750 and J735 users a whole host of improvements and new features:
    • Pantone® validated colors in the color picker.
    • VRMLs with transparency in the texture will use a clear core.
    • Improved estimations and print accuracy for small features and text.
    • Custom support options which fix the “support shadow” effect on vertical walls that have holes.
    • Custom part priority when assembly components overlap.
    • Full control over part placement on the tray.
  • The new version of GrabCAD Print Server runs as a Windows service, it will continue to run even if your Windows user is logged out. Additionally, it is compatible with Windows Server 2012, and can be installed alongside the per-machine version of GrabCAD Print. This upgrade is not automatic, you must download the new version here. For help with installation, click here.
  • Analysis Mode can now repair mesh errors in textured VRML files.
  • The error message when you try to add a model from a CAD package which is not yet supported, such as Inventor 2020, will now be more informative than a generic failure.
  • For FDM printers, supports are generated wherever the angle of the part surface drops below a specified value, known as the self-supporting angle, and now that value is adjustable in the Print Settings panel. You can increase or decrease the amount of supports that are generated, and also restore the value to the default recommendation, which varies for different printers and materials.
  • Adding a CAD or CMB file that does not match the file or settings in the current GrabCAD Print project generates a conflict instead of an error, a new warning allows you to save changes and open a new project.

GrabCAD Print version 1.30, May 2019

Build number released on 22 May 2019 

Click here for a video about the 1.30 update.

  • Printer history may be deleted from the Printer History page of the GrabCAD Print application. The option is enabled by a preference; the preference is active for the GrabCAD session only. Printers must be idle when history is deleted, though they may have jobs in their queue.
  • We reviewed the translations in GrabCAD Print and fixed errors in 6 places.

GrabCAD Print version 1.29, April 2019

Build number released on 16 April 2019 

Click here for a video about the 1.29 update.

  • The latest versions of CAD packages are now supported in GrabCAD Print. This includes SOLIDWORKS 2019, Inventor 2019, Creo 5.0, NX 12.0, and more. Read more here.
  • Easily access your printers with the new printer panel. This has the ability to Favorite printers, advanced Searching and Filtering, and many other improvements. And we want your feedback on it! Turn it on from File > Preferences > GrabCAD Labs, and let us know what you think.
  • The Beta release of the newest member of the Stratasys F123 Series, the F120, is supported by GrabCAD Print. Read about it here.
  • It’s now possible to use model material in support structures for FDM printing when you select SMART, Sparse, or Box support styles. Since the printer takes a few seconds to switch between model and support material, this feature allows for many layers of the job to use only model material, saving time on the print. 
  • Insight models may now be sent to GrabCAD Print from Insight at the click of a button. Selecting the “Build Job in GrabCAD Print”icon on the Insight toolbar creates a CMB file and passes the file from Insight to GrabCAD Print, and will select the correct printer type automatically.

GrabCAD Print version 1.28, March 2019

Build number released on 21 March 2019 

Click here for a video about the 1.28 update.

  • Lacking the technology or capacity to print more parts? Go to Apps > "Make my Part with Stratasys Direct Manufacturing" to get to the SDM home page. (For US / Canada customers only.)
  • Auto-orient is now available in Advanced FDM tab. Both standard and merged bodies can be auto-oriented, to minimize support and reduce build time.
  • OBJ files with image textures are now supported. When printing on PolyJet printers, image texture files associated with the OBJ file will be read, displayed, and the merged result will be printed.
  • A part quality issue when using hexagram infill on F123 series printers is fixed. For materials F123 ASA and F123 ABS, on the 0.005 inch (0.127 mm) and 0.007 inch (0.178 mm) slice height, the density of the infill is decreased to prevent overfill.
  • Print Settings, Orient, and Scale Panels have been updated to only count models or bodies on the active tray.
  • There was a bug in the printer history that you export from the desktop app where the ”Duration” showed 00:00:00 for all jobs. This has been fixed.
  • The app generates some files in the temp directory, and previously they built up over time. Now they are automatically cleared on app close.
  • Some users were hitting a bug where they were unable to launch GrabCAD Print, seeing a “Too many instances…” error. This was caused by the GrabCAD Print for SOLIDWORKS add-in which has now been discontinued.

GrabCAD Print version 1.27, February 2019

Build number released on 25 February 2019 

Click here for a video about the 1.27 update.

  • Variable width fill, introduced in 1.24 for F123 Series and Fortus 900mc, is now available on Fortus 380mc, 380mc CFE, and 450mc. This feature requires version 6.1 of the printer firmware (available since 13 March 2019). Follow the instructions here to update the firmware on your machine.
  • When you import a CMB file to be printed on an FDM printer, the correct printer will automatically be selected. Additionally, you will now be able to rotate that model about the Z-axis.
  • Certain material combinations are not allowed in a PolyJet print job, such as Vero and VeroFlex, or using only one of the two RGD materials for Digital ABS. Previously, if the printer was loaded with this unsupported combination of materials, the printer would show with an Error state and printing was disabled, even if the job itself didn’t use the unsupported combination. Now, users will be able to print their jobs regardless of which materials are currently loaded in the printer, as long as the unsupported combination is not used in the job.

GrabCAD Print version 1.26, January 2019

Build number released on 28 January 2019 

  • Variable width fill, introduced in GrabCAD Print 1.24 as part of the Print Settings panel, is now available in Advanced FDM.
  • The purge part (F123 Series) and sacrificial tower (some Fortus printers) automatically places itself to the optimal location on the tray, although it can be moved manually. Now, when you do so, it will remain in that location until you use the Arrange Tray or Arrange Project tool. You can also relocate just the purge part / sacrificial tower by right-clicking on it and selecting “Locate Automatically.”
  • Reset is now available for orientation in GrabCAD Print and Advanced FDM. Selecting a model and selecting Reset will return the model to its orientation when it was initially added to the tray.
  • Addressed an issue that blocked the installation of GrabCAD Print in certain situations. Please contact if you are still experiencing issues installing.

GrabCAD Print version 1.25, December 2018

Build number released on 4 January 2019 

  • The per-machine installer which was released for beta testing in 1.16 is now generally available from In addition to being much more stable than the current per-user installer, it allows for deployment at schools and enterprise organizations by IT system admins. For more information and instructions on switching over, read our help article.
  • OBJ and VRML files with self-intersections, watertightness / open faces issues, and inverted normals can now be repaired by GrabCAD Print before printing to PolyJet technologies. To try it out, please contact
  • Tooltips on the Print Settings panel explain the behavior of variable width fill, part build style, purge part or sacrificial tower type, system mode, and first layer material. The tip content adapts to only show content for the available options for the action.

GrabCAD Print version 1.24, November 2018

Build number released on 20 November 2018 

  • GrabCAD Print Advanced FDM provides a powerful yet intuitive toolset to obtain desired part characteristics by automatically controlling FDM build attributes.  By assigning attributes directly to your CAD file’s geometry, you can specify areas of strength and rigidity, control infills, ensure sufficient material around holes with inserts, and avoid seams.  All necessary tool paths are then automatically calculated without requiring manual manipulation of individual layers- ultimately reducing the time it takes to prepare a job while improving overall part quality. Advanced FDM is available for select printers (F370, 380mc, 380mc CFE, 400mc, 450mc, 900mc, and F900), and is available under File > Preferences > FDM.
  • OBJ files can now be added to GrabCAD Print with colors, associated .mtl file and visual textures, for PolyJet printing. This feature needs to enabled in File > Preferences > GrabCAD Labs. To know what is supported, go here.
  • Materials that are newly available are supported in GrabCAD Print, including VeroCyan Vivid, VeroFlex Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Vivid & Agilus 30 White on the J750/J735, MedABS and Med615 on the Connex3, Antero 800NA on the F900, and an all new flexible material for the F123 Series called FDM TPU 92A. Note that the new materials for the Connex3 and J750/J735 require an update to the embedded software.
  • When a PolyJet printer is selected, a new display mode available in the top row of buttons above the 3D viewer will allow the user to see where support material will be placed on the surface of the model. This determines the boundary for glossy finish.
  • Some FDM printers now offer an optional setting to use variable width fill for internal part builds. When set, variable width toolpaths are automatically placed wherever gaps remain between default-width toolpaths that are less than the default width and greater than the minimum width for the given tip size. This is supported for the F123 Series and the F900 and Fortus 900mc after the latest firmware update is installed (versions 1.8 and 3.26 respectively or later).
  • Updates to the job details panel in Schedule View to visually indicate how much material is estimated to be used for that selected job. Tooltips show users how much material will be estimated to be remaining on the canister or cartridge upon job completion. For FDM, the first queued job will indicate how much material will be on the canister/cartridge when the job starts.
  • The job details panel in Schedule View will now list the tip sizes & build resolution required for the job for FDM printers. This is useful for users to check what’s required for the job vs. what is currently loaded on the printer.  

GrabCAD Print version 1.23, October 2018

Build number released on 17 October 2018 

  • There are several improvements to the History report:
    • The export for Job History is now available in both .XLSX and .CSV formats, with .XLSX being the default.
    • To distinguish printing time from warmup and other time spent during the job, the “Duration” column is now split into “Total Job Time” which is the total elapsed time between beginning and end, and “Total Print Time” which excludes time when the printer was paused or warming up.
    • A new column in the History View shows the list of parts in the job. Quantities of the same part will be displayed with a (#) after the part name. For example “HingePin(3)”. Currently this feature is only available for FDM printers. (Note: Jobs printed with GrabCAD Print 1.22 and older will show encrypted part names here.)
    • For FDM printers, the exported Job History now includes two columns for support and model tip sizes.
  • Parts can be printed using ULTEM™ 9085 at .013” resolution on the Fortus 450mc printer
  • Models are displayed in either Matte or Glossy according to the material properties that are set

GrabCAD Print version 1.22, September 2018

Build number released on 26 September 2018 

  • There is a new preference option to disable automatic updates of GrabCAD Print. You will still be notified when an update is available.
  • There is a new preference option to make import of CAD files more precise, this will add more triangles to the mesh that represents the CAD file. However this will affect performance.
  • With this release, we fixed certain issues with how printers connect to GrabCAD Print (including the printer list disappearing after an update) and improved our error reporting to better address potential connectivity issues in the future.
  • Models can now be auto-oriented for all FDM printers, which orients models to generate the least support material.
  • Jobs can now be printed using support material as the base layer on the F123 printers for both ABS and ASA when using .005” resolution. This increases risk of tray adhesion issues, but will allow you to more easily remove small parts.
  • On FDM printers where double-dense infill is available, hexagram infill style is now an option. This pattern is very strong and efficient to build.
  • Office hours and delayed print start may allow for a queue to seem empty in Schedule View when it isn’t, so there is a new button which appears when you need to scroll right to see the queued jobs.
  • When clicking on a job currently printing in Schedule View you will now see an estimate of how much material will be remaining upon completion of the job. And for FDM printers, you can also see an estimate of the starting material levels for the following job.
  • The seam (where the toolpath begins and ends for FDM printers) is now visible in Slice Preview.
  • Parts can be printed using Antero 800NA on the 450mc printer.

GrabCAD Print version 1.20, July 2018

Build number released on 18 July 2018 

  • Delayed start for PolyJet printers is now available! When your PolyJet printer is Idle and the queue is empty, you can now schedule your print to begin at a specified time after you hit the Print button. Note that this feature not yet available if you are remotely connected to your printer through GrabCAD Print Server.
  • In the Schedule View, you can now click a button on the camera image for your F123 Series printers to enlarge it to full resolution. The same feature is available for the job preview image for all printers.
  • After 3 months of testing, Connex3 systems are fully supported by GrabCAD Print. Read through the setup guide to get started.
  • GrabCAD Print now supports the new Fortus 380mc Carbon Fiber Edition printer.
  • Your login session for GrabCAD Print will only expire after 2 months of inactivity. Previously the expiration was 1 week.
  • If you purchased the new Vivid Vero materials for your PolyJet printer, they are now available to select in GrabCAD Print.

GrabCAD Print version 1.19, June 2018

Build number released on 15 June 2018 

  • When you click Print to send a job to your PolyJet printer, a warning will be shown if the printer doesn’t have enough material loaded or if the waste bin is full.
  • Jobs containing a large number of duplicate files will process faster than before. Additionally, file loading times for complex or multi-body VRML files has improved by 60-80%.
  • You can now export the printer configuration file whether you are connected to the printer locally or remotely through GrabCAD Print Server.
  • GrabCAD Print now supports the new Stratasys F900 system type. The Stratasys F900 is the replacement to the Fortus 900mc system, and includes an upgraded moisture control system and general system enhancements.

GrabCAD Print version 1.18, May 2018

Build number released on 10 May 2018 

  • A few enhancements for PolyJet users, including:
    • New copy-and-paste feature for print settings.
    • Progress bars for tray validation, estimation, and queueing.
    • Improved slicer stability for printing duplicate heavy STLs.
    • Agilus materials can now be printed with SUP706B support material. Please only use this combination if you have received the new support formula (also known as 706B).
  • The GrabCAD Print add-in for SOLIDWORKS is now supported in SOLIDWORKS 2018. After you update to GrabCAD Print 1.18, modify your installation in the Control Panel to install the add-in.

GrabCAD Print version 1.17, April 2018

Build number released on 12 April 2018 

  • Connex3 Systems (including the Objet260, Objet350, and Objet500) will be supported soon, and you can join our public beta test right now! Additionally, please install the latest embedded software update available for download now. No need to sign an official beta agreement, just head here for the download links and full instructions. 
  • Tray estimation for PolyJet trays will now show a real progress bar.
  • Color and texture profiles will revert to default as you change the tray materials for PolyJet printers, to prevent users from accidentally leaving the profiles on one that isn’t recommended. 

GrabCAD Print version 1.16, March 2018

Build number released on 20 March 2018 

  • A completely new installer is available for GrabCAD Print for per-machine installations. This will allow GrabCAD Print to be easily installed on computer lab PCs, as well as deployed on a corporate level by system admins. Read more here and email to request access.
  • The latest versions of CAD packages are now supported. This includes SOLIDWORKS 2018, Creo 4.0, Inventor 2018, and more. Read the full list here.
  • In the last update, we introduced a new feature that allows you to sync the print settings with the current configuration of the selected printer. In this update, we’ve made this behavior automatic — right when you launch the app.
  • The material used in the support grid for PolyJet prints (usually VeroPureWht) is now specified in the estimation results window instead of saying “Others.” 

GrabCAD Print version 1.15, February 2018

Build number released on 19 February 2018.

  • The Print Settings Panel for FDM printers has been given a new look and feel. You’ll see an indication when your settings are different from the current printer configuration, and with one click you can update all the settings to match. Additionally, the settings of any newly created tray will always match the one you’re currently viewing, to speed up print preparation for projects with multiple trays.
  • A new slider is available in the Arrange tool that controls the “Optimize” checkbox for PolyJet users. You can control whether the arrangement is optimized for minimal print time or minimal support material usage.
  • FIXED: If the Schedule View is left on screen for some time, the “Now” line will stay in place, rather than slowly moving out of view.

GrabCAD Print version 1.14, January 2018

Build number released 17 January 2018 

  • The details screen in the Printer Panel now show the model and support tip odometers, as well as the envelope and head temperatures for FDM systems.
  • If your FDM system has multiple material bays, new icons in the Printer Panel indicate which material bays are currently loaded in the print heads.
  • A pop-up warning will now appear when clicking the Print button if the job has materials or tips selected which do not match the current printer configuration. 
  • Detailed, individual print job logs can now be downloaded in XML format for Fortus 900mc printers. Go to the Reports View and use the download button in the “Options” column.
  • GrabCAD Print now supports the Stratasys J700 Dental printer.
  • FIXED: The reports had been labelling material units in cm³ regardless of your unit preference. This has been fixed.

GrabCAD Print version 1.13, December 2017

Build number released 12 December 2017

Build number released 19 December 2017

  • If you have GrabCAD Print Server set up, you have previously only enjoyed some of the remote access features for PolyJet systems, such as mobile app connectivity and the Reports online. Now we have enabled the last piece: sending a job from GrabCAD Print on a remote PC. 
  • Several improvements around
    • The Reports View in GrabCAD Print now includes an export button, and works for both FDM and PolyJet systems.
    • Fixed a bug with the Reports View where some users could not select a printer.
    • Fixed a few issues with the online Reports on Internet Explorer. 
  • You no longer have to click “View Estimates” when the estimation results are ready, they will automatically pop up.
  • Job details in the GrabCAD Print app for iOS will now include the predicted end time.

GrabCAD Print version 1.12, November 2017

Build number released 13 November 2017 

  • Now you can access the job history for your local printers from the Reports View in the GrabCAD Print desktop app. This will greatly help users in Offline Mode, since this report was previously only available on the Reports page online after setting up GrabCAD Print Server. (History for PolyJet systems, remote printers, and CSV export not yet available.)
  • New advanced PolyJet materials have just been launched by Stratasys, and are now supported by GrabCAD Print. Learn more about Agilus, VeroFlex, and DABS2 Plus.
  • The Android app would sometimes report a failure to find printers if the account had a lot of printers connected. We’ve increased the timeout so this should no longer occur.
  • Small usability improvements
    • 2 GB individual file size and tray size limit has been removed.
    • No longer blocked from switching to Schedule View while another operation is in progress.

GrabCAD Print version 1.11, October 2017

Build number released 11 October 2017 

  • New tray display, featuring...
    • Realistic tray shape and gridlines for the uPrint, Dimension, F123 Series, and smaller Fortus systems.
    • Centimeter or inch gridlines (depending on your display units preference) for larger Fortus systems.
    • Calibration touchpoints for applicable printers.
    • Fortus 900mc will show outline of the smaller tray size. 
  • You can now use GrabCAD Print to add a pause to your FDM print job from Slice Preview. Previously this functionality was only available in Catalyst and Insight.
  • You can now prepare jobs for ULTEM™ 9085 CG using GrabCAD Print. Previously this material was only available using Insight and Control Center. Users also have the option to use the T16A tip with their Fortus 900mc.
  • Resolved an issue which prevented some users from being able to launch the GrabCAD Print add-in in SOLIDWORKS.

GrabCAD Print version 1.10, September 2017

Build number released 13 September 2017 

  • Now you can add models to GrabCAD Print straight from your Workbench projects. Head here to learn more about using Workbench together with Print.
  • If you are using GrabCAD Print Server, you and your team can get notified by email when your print job finishes or needs attention. Adjust your settings from your GrabCAD Profile.
  • Now you can open a .PRINT file with double-click or drag-and-drop.
  • GrabCAD Print now supports the Objet1000 Plus printer. Read the setup guide
  • There was an issue where CAD files with non-ASCII characters in the filename or path could not be loaded in GrabCAD Print. This has been fixed.
  • The importing of CAD files has been improved. Previously, some parts may have shown some roughness on curved surfaces, but the improvements will provide much smoother surfaces. 
  • You will now find a shortcut to “Insight for GrabCAD Print” in your Start menu. This takes you to the companion version of Insight that was previously only available from the Apps menu of GrabCAD Print. 

GrabCAD Print version 1.9, August 2017

Build number released 9 August 2017 

  • A Sacrificial tower can now be added to Fortus print jobs. This can help improve seam quality and is required when printing with Nylon 12 CF.
  • Nylon materials are now available for Fortus printers in GrabCAD Print. 
  • Jobs that require attention (for instance, if material will run out during or before the job) will show an icon on the job in the Schedule View. The total number of printers with warnings will show as a count on the Schedule View icon on the left side of the application. 
  • Users will be able to export a CSV containing the job history of their printers from the Printer Panel (FDM only). This allows offline customers to export their job history data without needing to enable Reports.
  • Previous versions of GrabCAD Print required system admin privileges on first install. With version 1.9, any user can install without needing the system admin’s credentials (unless the optional SW add-in is included).

GrabCAD Print version 1.8, July 2017

Build number released 12 July 2017 

  • GrabCAD Print now supports printing with ULTEM™ 9085 and ULTEM™ 1010. This also means that CMB files prepared in Insight with these materials can now be printed with GrabCAD Print. To modify parameters or use features like anchor pins or wall stabilizers, you can use Insight from the Apps menu. You will still have to use Control Center to add sacrificial towers. (ULTEM™ 9085 CG is not yet supported in GrabCAD Print.)
  • Users can now do an optimized arrange of the entire project (all trays at once) on their FDM printers. This allows users to optimally pack more than one tray with as many parts as possible.
  • When inserting parts for FDM printers, parts are arranged from the center of the tray for improved print quality.
  • For F123 Series printers, improved bottom surface smoothness with both supported and non-supported features.
  • Special characters in the Windows username no longer causes issues with establishing a connection to a J750 printer.
  • When viewing a PolyJet job in the schedule, “Print Mode” and “Slice Printed” are available again.
  • Fixed a bug where transformations on a part resulted in partial top layers.
  • Fixed a bug where switching between certain FDM printers will cause an imported CMB to disappear.

GrabCAD Print version 1.7, June 2017

Build number released 14 June 2017

  • Multiple imported CMB files can now be arranged on the tray. Previously, users working with multiple CMBs had to use Control Center for their workflow. For performance, the CMBs are simplified in Model View, but you can get a look at the real shape in Slice Preview. Start with an empty project, then go to File > Import CMB...
  • We added “Recent Files” to the File menu. You can access your 5 most recently added files (any CAD format, CMB, or OBJZF) and your last 5 Print projects. 
  • You can now rearrange jobs in the Schedule View using drag and drop.
  • The SOLIDWORKS add-in for GrabCAD Print is now packaged within the installer for GrabCAD Print. The SolidWorks add-in allows you to prepare your CAD files for printing right from within SOLIDWORKS. For installation instructions go to the Apps menu in GrabCAD Print.
  • Your print jobs now appear with your real name instead of your computer’s profile name for local jobs.
  • GrabCAD Print now supports the .JT file type
  • FIXED: Parts containing non-ascii characters (such as é or à) can now be printed on the J750.
  • FIXED: There was a scaling issue for J750 parts when Tango+ was loaded but not used on the tray, and this has been fixed.

GrabCAD Print version 1.6, May 2017

Build number released 9 May 2017

  • Introducing operating hours! Once your company admin enables them, your Schedule View will automatically adjust the printer queue display to reflect that print jobs are normally only started during your working hours, giving you a more accurate schedule forecast. 
  • Use shift-select to quickly select multiple models in the Project Panel. With this and box-select (released in 1.5), changing settings for multiple models at once is much faster. 
  • Easily reorder jobs with click-and-drag in the Printer Panel's queue list.
  • In order to speed up performance of the viewer, Model View will show a "simplified" version of your models. You might notice more visible triangles on curved surfaces. This does not impact print quality. To see exactly what will be sent to the printer, go to Slice Preview, or change your Graphics Quality to "High" under System Preferences > Display Settings. 
  • For F123 Series printers, we now have Brick Mode build style. This is helpful when printing large, dense, solid-fill parts to reduce part curl. This is only when using a slice height of 0.005” with ABS, ASA or PC-ABS.
  • FIXED: For J750 printers, we have fixed several issues that could cause mid-print errors. Please make sure to update GrabCAD Print and the Job Manager to take advantage of these fixes.
  • FIXED: Users who have their display units set to metric will now see the slice height in their unit of choice.

GrabCAD Print version 1.5, April 2017

Build number released 18 April 2017

  • Offline Mode Part 2 is here! Now, when installing for the first time, you will be able to skip the login if you don't have an internet connection. This is a follow-up to Offline Mode capabilities we introduced in GrabCAD Print 1.3, which you can read about here
  • GrabCAD Print now supports the latest versions of CAD packages, including SOLIDWORKS 2017, Inventor 2017, NX 11.0, and Solid Edge ST9. Read the full list here.
  • You can now give your trays custom names from the tray preview in the Project Panel. Jobs will inherit this name when you click Print. 
  • All jobs sent with version 1.5 will include a preview of the tray in the Schedule View job details, both online and in the desktop app. You can disable this in System Preferences > Privacy.
  • Box select in Model View makes it easy to change the print settings of many models at once. Click and drag with the left mouse button. When dragging towards the right, only models completely contained in the box are selected. When dragging towards the left, models that are partially inside the box boundaries are also selected.
  • The view shortcuts and perspective setting are now convenient buttons at the top of the viewer. 
  • You can now choose how you want material units to be displayed on the mobile apps as well as the Reports and Schedule View online. Change your setting here. (Mobile app updates after sign-in)
  • We've improved the way you're notified that the Job Manager needs to be updated for your J750.
  • For F123 Series printers, the base layer will be made of model material for prints using ABS or ASA and 0.005" slice height, in order to improve tray adhesion.
  • A number of adjustments have been made to the core processes and printing functions to improve the print quality for the Stratasys F123 Series printers.

GrabCAD Print version 1.4, March 2017

Build number released 14 March 2017

  • GrabCAD Print now supports all uPrint, Fortus, and Dimension printers. See the full list.
  • In 1.3 we greatly improved the packing for FDM prints if you hit "Arrange Tray" after estimating the tray. Now it's even easier, with the "Optimize" checkbox in the Arrange tool. In some cases this allows you to fit up to twice as many parts per tray as before!
  • Introducing custom printer names! Rename a printer from the Printer Settings panel, and your custom name will appear on desktop, web, and mobile for all members of your company account. Learn more here.
  • With the latest update to GrabCAD Print Server (version 0.144.0318), the Stratasys J750 is now supported in the GrabCAD Print mobile app, and the online schedule and reports. Remote access printing is coming soon.
  • Additionally, you can now connect to your J750 for the first time using the "Add a Network Printer" option if it's already running the GrabCAD PolyJet Job Manager. 
  • We've improved the way printers are listed in "My Printers" in the Printer Panel:
    • If you lose connection to a printer, it will not disappear from the list. Instead it will show "Disconnected" as its status.
    • "Offline Printers" are now known as "Printer Templates" and will appear in a separate section beneath your network printers. 
  • Small updates for F370 print settings:
    • PLA printing is now called Draft Mode.
    • Purge Part Style uses Full Height by default. 
  • Some J750 users reported issues with incorrect estimations or failed prints when Tango+ material was loaded but not used on the tray, and these issues have been resolved. 
  • The Schedule View will now show time and material estimations for future J750 jobs.  
  • Some J750 users reported a print failure with a mysterious "error.0" failure message. The problem causing the print failure has been fixed, and the failure message will now have meaningful text if the same problem occurs again. 
  • Two small bugs in the Orient panel have been fixed: one regarding negative decimal values and one for the + and - buttons. 
  • Some F370 users may have noticed the purge part containing some incorrect layers, and this has been fixed.

GrabCAD Print version 1.3, February 2017

Build number released 21 February 2017

Build number released 7 February 2017

  • Introducing the Stratasys F123 Series! Our latest printer runs exclusively on GrabCAD Print. Read more here.
  • J750 support in GrabCAD Print is out of beta! Thank you to all who participated in the beta program. If you have a J750, you can follow this guide to start printing with GrabCAD Print.
  • We now have an add-in for SOLIDWORKS that lets you print .SLDPRT files directly from within your CAD environment. Read more about it or download it here.
  • Because many users have been asking for the ability to install and get straight to printing without having to log into GrabCAD, we're introducing
    • If your internet connection goes down, GrabCAD Print will let you keep working with your local printers. 
    • If this is how you will be working most of the time, you can turn off the warning messages by switching to offline mode in System Preferences > Privacy. 
    • You still need to log in at least once when you launch the application the first time. If you have internet access but are having trouble logging in, please visit the Troubleshooting guide
    • The second part of our offline capabilities will be a "Fully Offline" solution, where you can skip that initial login. We expect this to be ready later this year. 
  • If you've ever thought that the Arrange tool isn't as good as Insight or Catalyst, you should notice a big improvement with this update! First, hit "Estimate" to slice the tray, and then "Arrange Tray" will pack parts much closer together. 
  • For those who participated in the J750 beta program, you will notice some improvements with this update:
    • Updating the Job Manager is now possible from the Printer Panel in GrabCAD Print, just like a firmware update. 
    • The issues with the opacity slider in the Print Settings panel have been fixed!
  • Insight is now bundled with GrabCAD Print so you can utilize more advanced features like groups or toolpath editing for your F370 or Fortus system. Read more here.

GrabCAD Print version 1.2, January 2017

Build number released 24 January 2017

Build number released 16 January 2017

  • In case you missed it, Reports are here! Check out your job history and material usage from right in the web browser.
  • There's a new system preference for changing whether or not you want new trays to be created automatically when you add too many parts for one tray. 
  • Tool icons are bigger and bolder. Check them out: Tools.
  • In the Rotate tool, you can now customize the degrees of rotation per click, making it easier to get the perfect orientation.
  • VRML files are now included in Analysis Mode, although to repair the models without breaking the texture mapping you must use other software. 
  • We fixed some problems with our CAD file reader, specifically around donut-shaped models.

GrabCAD Print version 1.1, December 2016

Build number released 16 December 2016

  • Improvements to the colors and icons in the main navigation and Project Panel.
  • There was a bug where your unit preferences weren't reflected in the Schedule view, and this has been fixed.
  • Other small fixes and improvements.

GrabCAD Print version 1.0, November 2016

Build number released 15 November 2016

  • More printers! You can now use GrabCAD Print with your Fortus 380/450 and Fortus 900 (limited support*), and the Fortus 360/400 and J750 are in beta right now. Email to request access. 
  • Ability to see material volumes in cubic centimeters. Go to File > System Preferences > Units Controls > Display Units and change to any metric unit. 
  • Ability to import .CMB.GZ files.
  • The installer now defaults to install using the same language as your operating system. You can change the language by selecting the back button on the first screen of the installer or from System Preferences.
  • More intuitive default mouse controls for new users. See the updated configuration here. Existing users are not affected.
  • Infill, slice height, and support style are now automatically updated to their recommended settings for the selected model and support material.
  • Small UI improvements and bug fixes.

*Limited support means basic print prep is supported (similar to “green flag” in Insight), however some advanced features, such as using a Sacrificial Tower when printing ULTEM™ or Nylon 12, are not yet available.

Continue reading release notes of older versions here.

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